a few things me and the fam DID NOT do this week... while at the chiropractor's office, paige DID NOT keep asking brooke, "what other things don't you know on the body chart?" trying to get her to ask me all about the not girl parts...i was NOT flipping out and giving paige the evil eye...she was NOT laughing her butt off. i DID NOT work out with my trainer after 2 years...i can not believe i just said that out loud...anyway, i DID NOT almost die when i saw my body fat percentage. i DID NOT sweat like a flipping pig...and my legs were NOT even sweating. the next day, every strand of every muscle in my body DID NOT hurt to just move. brooke and sofia DID NOT eat a donut next to me while i worked out with my trainer...and i DID NOT get a tall coffee before because my bod could not function. jada DID NOT say 'when I get big I will marry daddy because i wouldn't want to marry a stranger. that would be dangerous.' sofia DID NOT meet all her goals and require...