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love and joy...and giving

there's a weird way how the blog world has given me some of the most dedicated, loving and supportive peeps in my life!  and one of the bestest ever is tabitha from a five oh 4 uplifting.
just look at her beauty...and you haven't even seen her heart.
tabitha is full of joy...full of life, and the best part is, she never keeps it to herself.  she spreads it all around.  see, tabitha was born with some birth abnormalities {no right arm and at 9 months her left leg had to be amputated} and spent the first 3 years of her life in hospitals. 

no time for pity here...just glory and passing along some love.  listen to her words, 

"I would no longer allow the lack of compassion of others to stop me from doing what I was destined to do"

this tabitha is more full of life and joy and faith than most of us have in our pinkie finger.  she is stinking amazing.  i have been honored to work so many times with her in the past year on projects and i have so come to love her gift and goody bag drops...and her more than i can explain with words.

see, she makes up bags of love for children who are terminally ill and in hospitals, or kids who are in homeless shelters, and along the way, she takes the time to do them in honor of some kiddos and fams.  oh, you just have to go to read about what she does.  go HERE.

today, i am honoring tabitha, and i would ask for you to pray for her ministry...for her family...and pray to see if you feel led to donate some oriental trading company goodies for her bags of joy.

and, if nothing else, go meet a new friend...i promise you will be blessed beyond measure.
go and see what others are doing tributes for at angie's 
{i still heart jay...but understand, i'm just saying...and it's  a good thing it's angie, let me tell you}

Tuesday's Tribute


Kristen Andrews said…
beautiful tribute!
H.K. said…
What a great tribute to a wonderful woman! Tabitha is definitely an example where her "limitations" doesn't prevent her from living life to the fullest and giving back.
Anonymous said…
I'm absolutely speechless. Grateful, honored, moved to joyful tears and still speechless. :)

I love you and I thank you with my entire heart!!!!!!!

This is SO beautiful!!! Even hubby dropped a few tears..We think you're SUPER AWESOME!!!!
Brandi said…
Yep, pure goodness comes from that woman! She is an inspiration to all. She is the reason I became a spirit jumper!
Kel said…
What an amazing beautiful soul!
That was an awesome tribute. I really enjoyed that read. Great Post. Make it a great week.
annies home said…
you are oh so right about the dear friends we meet while blogging
Jen said…
that is beautiful what an amazing person.
Stesha said…
Tabitha rocks! Amazing she is.

Hugs and Mocha,
Carrie said…
How sweet!!

Where's my fricken tribute??

HAAAA HA HA *snort*
Samantha said…
The world is a better place because she is in it. For sure. I have been lucky to work with her on a couple of things and her heart just beams through her words and her passion to help. She is one of the coolest, loving, giving people I have met in blogland.
DawnS said…
What a beautiful tribute! I am going to check out her blog now - thanks!
~pen~ said…
This is true. Thinking of others is a great thing. It helps them, but what some people don't know is that the helps the others who lend a hand. It gives a sense of fullfillment and brings a smile to all. Give from your heart, not because you want something in return, but because it is the right thing to do. :) Have a great day love.
She is so worthy of this tribute! Congratulations Tabitha for all that you do and for your giving, caring, compassionate spirit! Your life is touching so many!
Elizabeth said…
What an inspiring person Tabitha is...thanks for sharing her with us.
He & Me + 3 said…
Great Tribute to Tabitha. what a precious lady.
What a wonderful tribute........what a wonderful thing she is doing. I think I've actually been to her site before. I'll have to go say hi!
You don't meet amazing woman like that everyday! Thanks so much for sharing Tabitha's story, at least a little, I look forward to learning more!


Tabitha is truly an Angel on this earth! I think what she does is remarkable...she touches many, many lives with her kind heart! I love her!
kisatrtle said…
Great tribute. It is nice to hear that angel's still tread the earth
Anonymous said…
I can not explain how loved I feel tonight reading all of these beautiful comments. D, you know I love you to pieces and I'm DEEPLY grateful that you're my friend.

To everyone who left such Beautiful words I WILL find a way to properly thank you all!!

Kisses & Tons of Blessings
what a great tribute..she sounds like an amazing lady, I am gonna go check her out now. Boy, you sure know some great people..


Ps...Im a big fan of you, too. Thanks for the sweet footnote. ;-)
You are so right, she is truly amazing, isn't she? I imagine in real life, she is a force of nature!
Kacey said…
Oh man, you said this all so perfectly. Tabitha is such a blessing in so many ways!
Wonderful! Thank you for sharing your friend with us.
Keri said…
A spectacular tribute to one heck of a woman. Tabitha is beautiful!
Megan said…
She is quite amazing!!! Such a beautiful heart!

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