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as we walked the last morning on the beach, we found some very interesting things.  i know there are some southern folks that will read this, so tell me...what in the world is this?
we call it whale poop.  i know...i'm not creative, but when the kiddos asked, it was all i could think of.

then there's the neon orange spitting pod thingy...i don't even know what to say about it.
and this another shot...the pre-goo pic of the whole pod.

the last 2 days on the beach, there was a storm at sea that we never got on land, but tons of jelly fish washed up to shore.  the kids were fascinated by the size of them.  they were as big as 16 inches in diameter...i mean, huge!

we just had fun...walking slowly and taking the beach in one last time before heading back.
paige found a sand dollar
in the end...we were just together.  we've been back in reality for a week now and i think we have spent no more than 1 hour a night with all 6 of us together...i mean, if you count p's softball games, it's longer, but that's not fair.
i will say it again and again...i love the beach.  
the beach remains the beach, no matter what the storm...when can i go back?


MuseSwings said…
I'd never thought about whale poop before. You might be right. Other than that I have no clue. Perhaps some old lava. The other thing? Wow! It's perhaps a sea cucumber or something from Jupiter. Nice to stop by - it's always a delight to visit you and your family!
Kimmy said…
I love the beach too!! Although, I envision you your beach vs my beach (west coast) so different. Your beach seems so warm where as my beach is always so darn cold (Northern California). I long to walk on the warm sands and warm breeze like when we were in the Bahamas. Yeah, I miss the beach too!

Great pics!
Frizzy said…
What is it about the beach that brings a person's soul to rest and be at perfect PEACE?

Tara Bennett said…
Amazing photos and findings! I'm so jealous of your trip to the beach!!! We're going in November, but that is very far away!!!
Keri said…
Ah, the beach.... something I haven't seen in a very, very long time. Michigan is too daggone cold. Seriously, it's all of 48 degrees here and windy today. How you suppose to enjoy outside with that? Enough rambling....

Sand dollar, awesome! Jelly fish, blech! Whale poop, cool.
I love it too, it's like being in a different world with no stress, no worries.

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