i have been teaching in the ms the last few weeks on taking time to pause...
{i also love barns and photography and i love that little icon i made up there...super fun}
it's post-christmas and with the last number of weeks, i could really enjoy some pause time. i feel like i lost myself somewhere in early december and i past me up again just after the new year. i could use some "pause time."
i mean, i pause...i pray, i think, i read, i even nap every now and again. but there's this thing about pausing that i have discovered. you have to totally BE in the pause before it works.
go with me on this one...have you ever been present but not really been there? you know, you are hearing the words that are being said but you are not listening. sometimes we leave our emotions and our spiritual self far away from the physical self...and sadly, i do that when i'm stressed.
god wants way more than that...that's why he told moses, "come up to the mountain and stay" in exodus 24:12. he looks at moses...leading the israelites thru the desert and he knows the dude is jacked up on stress...getting blamed for all kinds of stuff and just needs to pause. god basically says, "moses...listen, you need to come up to the mountain and BE on the mountain. bring all of you. your heart, your mind, your soul...everything. come and BE here. take time to pause, dude."
so today, i am thanking god for being everywhere...for allowing me time to pause. all 3 girlies napped, and at the same time! miracle of god...maybe, but definitely a little gift from god saying, "danyele, come to the couch with me...and just BE at the couch."
heading to the couch...just thought you'd wanna know.

Glad you are taking time to pause....