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burning up?

so about pausing...remember? if you don't, you should def go and read THIS.
i totally love how god speaks in and through the normalcy of every day life, when we take time to pause and see it.

let me tell you, i love my family, my blackberry, my laptop, my blog, my friends, my hooptie. i love all kinds of stuff...and they get a lot of time and attention because, honestly, they are in front of me and i pay them attention. {a good ring tone can really go a long way, too}
god talked to moses in another passage of's the infam
ous burning bush passage. i love how even though moses was leading the life of husband, sheep herder, son-in-law, etc, that he was still stuck in the mundaneness of it all and had not found time to hear from god.

remember, the words in exodus 3...
"Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb, the mount
ain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.

So Moses thought, "I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up."

When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!"
And Moses said, "Here I am." "

god was in that bush the whole time...moses didn't see him there. despite the fact that moses didn't see him, god was there anyway. look at the scripture, it says
that god saw that he was paying attention, basically...and then god spoke.

he didn't speak a second earlier, because moses wasn't fully there. not until moses was ALL THERE and fully engaged did moses even see god in his midst.
do your kids have those seek and find books or do you remember where's waldo? i'm pretty good at finding waldo and getting most of the items on the find list...but i usually have one or two that are just not there. i can remember paige insisting the book was printed wrong one time because she just couldn't find something listed.

god is a little like waldo...not sacreligious like, but just because you and me don't see him, doesn't mean that he isn't here, all the time. in spite of paige not finding the red heart in the picture, it still remained in the picture. you just have to train your eyes to find it...and much the same with seeing jesus in everyday life.

i know it's hard to see jesus in poopy diapers and overworked husbands and bills and gas pumps and basketball. but i promise that he is there. god is totally in the ordinary of every day.

god tells moses once he knows that god is present to take off his sandals bc he is walking on holy ground...and i say to us, in every situation, in every second and in every place we go, we are on holy ground. God is here, but are we? And if He is here, where do we see Him?
i see God in all kinds of places every day. i am in a bible study on the fruits of the spirit right now…and no matter what kind of day i have had, or what is going on in my life, when i sit down each night to do that study i pray…”lord, forgive me in all that I have done. Open me up to your word. Fill me and teach me. thank you lord for all you have already done and will do for me. amen.” i find god in that bible every single time…when o am open to seeing him. he speaks to me and shows me new ways to see and hear scriptures. and i am on holy ground.

sometimes my workout playlist is perfect for me…it’s god speaking directly to my heart...sometimes it’s a challenge, sometimes encouragement, but in all those times, I know god is there…i tingle…and i am Holy Ground.

when i stand on the beach…i gasp. i hear the waves and feel the ocean air and see the vastness of all that is there. i smell the salt and push my toes in the sand and take a deep breathe and I know that God is most certainly there. I am standing on Holy Ground.

When my little Sofia puts her hands on her eyes and says, “deeez-usss.{jesus}. wuv {love}. mayyy-men {amen}.” in my very dining room, i feel the presence of god and am reminded of having faith like just say, "jesus, you rock. i love you. thanks. amen." and even then, i am certain, i am on holy ground.

or when i see her eating her cereal and reading our family devotion book, i am most certain that god is here...he is being seen...and that i'm on holy ground.
god is always there...he created it all. i just need to take time to pause long enough to see him and let him speak to me instead of hearing screaming kids and seeing dust bunnies, i can sometimes take time to pause and see god in the eyes of the kids he gave me...and he totally gave me these kids.

when i move constantly, from my calendar to my blog, to twitter, to breakfast for the kids, to school bus stop to whatever is next and never take time to pause along the way, i can never see the burning bushes that are all over the place...the everyday miracles begging for attention all around me. if i never stop to notice the mundane and ordinary things that are right in front of my face, i just miss to much, and i'm reminded that in spite of all that, we are standing on holy ground.


He & Me + 3 said…
What an awesome post and yes...He is always here and we are always standing on Holy Ground. Thanks for the reminder. He is with us!
Suzanne said…
Thanks for that! Found you through Beth's blog. I read "Be still and know I am God" in my devotional this morning and as usual, the busyness is getting to me!
I like what you said about seeing God everywhere. We NEED to see this or in a blink of an eye, this life is over!
Thanks again for your thoughtful post! :)
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