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sof and i are battling...she has the "never give up" thing going for her and i have the "you are my 4th kid and i will win" thing going for me.

sofia had to fight in utero...and she certainly had to put up a huge fight once she was born with her little 3lb body in the NICU. that fight has gotten her through soooo much.
that fight, is also, gonna get me sent to he funny farm. she's always been attached to me...but of late, it's been a constant need to be on me. and here's a bulletin...i have 4 kids and husband and my own stuff to get done, so sometimes it just can't happen.

1 hour. 1 hour of making dinner the other night with sofia screaming at the top of her lungs ended in her finally settling down and asking, "hold you" and "pease"...and i guess it's true that all's well that ends well, because she's learning that i'm gonna win...and i'm learning that she's really stinking cute!!!
{red nose courtesy of screaming}
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Becky said…
What a cutie;)

(mine get the blochy face all over)
Anonymous said…
When my two baby nieces want my sister to hold them they say "hold you." I think it's cute. My sister wants to pull her hair out. LOL
Cecily R said…
Oh, that's hard...but she IS really cute, so what do you do??

My two year old says "I hold you" when she wants me to pick her up too. I love it and will be sad when she finally gets it right. :)
She is stinking cute!! Some days you win and some days she wins. :) Who can resist such a smile.
He & Me + 3 said…
She is precious and that "hold you" is what my oldest said. Gosh I miss that.
kayerj said…
I had one that needed to touch me all the time too. Sad to say they grow up and don't need you so much. so enjoy! If you want to wander down my road I’m home.
Tara Bennett said…
I love this. Can I share it sometime on kidz???
Ugh, that is the most frustrating time of day! She is cute though. :)
Aww! Adorable photos. My 2nd is quite clingy and a real mommy's girl. It breaks my heart, but yes, sometimes I have to do things. :)
Anonymous said…
This is how the fourth is in the family of kids I nanny for. She is insanely attached to me. While the mom has never come out and said it, she was battling post pardum depression for several months and would literally send the baby home with me for the weekends. So to this baby I'm her "Mama" (yes she even calls me Mama). And I TOTALLY get the dinner hour thing. I literally have to hold her while I make dinner or she'll be in between my legs screaming.
Emmy said…
Ah yes, fighters are a blessing and a trial all at the same time. My kids both have very strong personalities but I just reassure myself by saying, someday it will be for good right?? :)
Thanks for coming by my blog.
Heidi said…
Oh it is such a hard thing to have a clingy child! They are cute, if they weren't we'd seriously consider giving them away. But I'm right there with you, is one hour too much to ask?!
I hope thing get better!
And thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Mandy said…
I remember my oldest was like that and I had enough so put him in the playpen and went to do my stuff and came back to vomit all over the place! He got himself that upset he threw up! Isn't that crazy!? However, now that he's 10 and likes to sit by me and cuddle I LOVE IT! Cuddlers are the best!
Unknown said…
First off...what ADORABLE kids you have!! Second of all...I can so relate. My (almost 3 yr old) daughter and my 9 month old are very attached to me - the 9th month old will seriously cry, push and throw a fit if I pick up his sister instead of him and vice versa. I feel awful that my other son has resigned to hanging out with Daddy b/c he knows not to compete for my attention against the other two...

Oh the life of a mom....
oh my goodness! that is an awesome post! i'm feelin' your pain lady with the finnster! though he's probably not quite as attached...we'll see in a few days!
Jean Stockdale said…
Nothing about mothering is easy!! Until your cute bunch is old enough to do it on their own, may I "rise up and call you blessed" (Prov. 31:28) for investing in the fine art of Christian mothering!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Baby Grand and his unbridled joy! He was sitting on a footstool and peeping through the blinds. They made a noise as they dropped back in place when he withdrew his fingers and it seemed to tickle him so! That is when I caught that picture!

Oh, the joy! Blessings.
debi9kids said…
Awwwwww... I have one of those too, although he doesn't scream, he just bits onto my shirt or pants and REFUSES to unclench his teeth!
Michelle said…
aaawww she's so sweet :) I know, not screaming for an hour though! I love when they say "hold you" so cute :)
Lindsay said…
I so TOTALLY understand....if Addie (probably my last) cries, I hold her. I'm creating a monster, I know - but SO! :-) They ARE so cute!
I so understand this post...... my youngest are 5 and they feel the need to be near me way more than I do!
The fight in her will take her far in life.
Synergy Girl said…
My husband has that problem with our fourth!! He is 19 months now...not talking as much as he NEEDS to be (for his own communicative benefit), but my poor hubby has screaming kid at his ankles from the second he walks in the door. It is crazy. NICE FOR ME...until he leaves and I have a melted down version of my child grieving at the front door...
Unknown said…
Last night, I needed to make dinner and LB wanted me to hold her. Even with Grammy here and her cousins here, she still needed Mama. In that instance, I am very thankful that I have a baby carrier that she still fits in and I let her hang out on my back while I prepped dinner. Even when i need to get my own stuff done, I'm thankful that she still wants me. Hugs.

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