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minus 2

in typical fashion, brooke did not disappoint. most kids would lose a tooth...sure, that's not a big deal. but the b-ster, well, she not only loses a tooth, but loses 2 in two days...while ryan and i are on vacation...oh, and did i mention it was her first 2 teeth?
oh, and the tooth fairy apparently is fairly generous with her $1 per tooth donation...i can totally live with that...but the tooth fairy gave in! b lost one of her teeth on the school bus...bc she was totally showing it off to her friends...the teacher sure thought she did the right thing sending that tooth home with her.

well, anyway, she's cute...a few front teeth missing on a kid {note: kid, not adult} are soooo cute. i love those smiles and the added lisp that comes along with missing some teeth.

happy tooth fairy days...i think maybe i'll leave her a note and tell her i lost a tooth on the bus too and maybe i can make some extra cash for that new lens i want for the camera!


debi9kids said…
How adorable!
Big milestone...losing those first teeth :)
What a cutie!
Congrats to B! I saw someone on twitter say that they give their kids $20 for the first tooth and $5 for each tooth thereafter! I couldn't believe it!
Anonymous said…
Wow! 2 teeth in 2 days? And how cute and proud is she? Great pics ;)

Happy WW!
Anonymous said…
They are TOO cute when they loose teeth! And I truly LOL when you wrote this:a few front teeth missing on a kid {note: kid, not adult} are soooo cute.

LMAO,because I know a few toothless adults who think it's all the rage.

*Cracking Up*
Elizabeth said…
Wow, 2 in 2 days...she's super cute with those teeth missing.
Jen said…
Show looks so cute!
mommytoalot said…
Awww how sweet. I love the toothless grins they give afterwards.
Is Miss J wanting to lose a few teeth tooth? Does she have anymore loose ones? Hope she doesn't start yanking them out just for the money like mine did when she was 5.
Keri said…
She's so schweet! Minus 2 and all!
Megan said…
Woohoo for the first missing toofers!! =D
Anonymous said…
Gotta love a toothless grin on a kid!

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