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it's july...really!

if you dropped by bloghopping...well, this is my life.

i'm a SAHM for 4 girlie pies...have one super hot jesus, coffee, adoption and lots of other things...the best way to get to know my totally imperfect life is to jsut look around and read...if you get behind on the names and faces, the sidebar on the left is a great reminder. so, here's my post for the day...can't wait to meet more of you!!!

so we had fun and met some new boyfriends for the girlies...not really, but man, that kid is adorable!
is he not so stinking cute??? i think sofie could marry him some day...

and we had some major grub too!
and on super fun plates and with all new wedding gifts. i was living vicariously through was fun, i'm not gonna lie.
and because the girlies had looked forward to swimming, they were gonna swim, weather or not!
jada actually said, "hey, i wanna go swimming in the ice cold pool."
yeah, the swimming lasted about 10 minutes and then we moved on. it was freezing!

and when we did, there was fighting and punching in kids faces...and then a time out. yep, even at blake and abby's.

then, we went to talk to the horses...and brooke had some major convo's going on.
{dr doolittle has nothing on my b-ster!}
what a great much fun! and well, in spite of the weather, it was awesome!
have a great weekend!!!


mommytoalot said…
sounds like a tonne of fun and by the look of the pictures..looks like it as well.
we've had chilly weather as well.
Love the horse sweet.
He & Me + 3 said…
Awww, those pictures were great and showed all the fun you were having. Yes, he is stinkin cute. He and sof would be a precious little couple.
Poor Jada getting a time out. Gotta love that little miss!
brionyskerjance said…
it looks like you all had soooo much fun! i love that second shot :)
taysmommy said…
Great piccies! You have a beautiful family! I'll definetly stop by again :)
Lee said…
Thanks for "hopping" by! I had to follow you...luv your blog! Thanks for the comment too! By the way..I guess I stopping by from SITS too!!
Sounds like a wonderful day and you captured some beautiful photos!
Hiya! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! Your kids are so beautiful! Do you have red hair like I do? Or was that someone else in those pics? Anyway, enjoy your blog hopping! K bye :)
Hopping by on the BlogHop and must say your blog is just wonderful! Love the design, the pictures, the writing ... everything! Beautiful!!

Anonymous said…
Great pics! Nice to meet you! I love your blog header with the cute little birds!
Anonymous said…
Hopping by to say hello!!! LOVE your photos! and your girls are just beautiful! Nice to meet you and can't wait to read more! :)

(ps loved your Not Me Monday this week - I've been participating in that meme for a few weeks now, so I'll be sure to watch for you!)
Maria said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your photos are fabulous!

Nice to "meet" you!
Jen said…
love the photos and what a great time!
queenmommy911 said…
Hello from the blog hop! Your little one in the side bar has the bluest eyes! Beautiful pictures!
Thank you so much for stopping by. Your girlies are adorable. I agree the little boy is cute.

Love the design of your blog.
AWESOME photos (as always!)

Looks like a fantastic weekend was enjoyed by all!
dena said…
how fun are you?! thanks for hopping by by blog. i'm an adoptive mama too! and i love jesus too! BUT, i'm the mama to all boys unlike you. me and the dog, we're the only estrogen in the house.
once again, amazing pics! yes, there is a time out corner everywhere isn't there!?
debi9kids said…
Looks like a FABULOUS day! LOVE the horse photos! Very pretty :)
Diane said…
Great pics! Your family is blessed.
Unknown said…
Looks like you had a great weekend, the pictures are great! What super cute girls you have there! Thanks for hopping by my blog too!
Pam said…
i guess i missed this "bloghop" this week, :) oh well!! looks like you had a great time, what a bunch of adorable kids (that little boy looks like james when he was little, haircut and everything!) and great pictures!!
Stopping by via the Blog Hop.

Adorable pictures!
Carrie said…
All this was in one day? WOW! How on earth did you pack that much fun into one day??
Jenny86753oh9 said…
Oh my Lordy...your girls are so cute! It really sounds like you guys have so much fun and make some great memories. I really enjoyed checking out your blog...I'll be back!
Wow, what a photo-storyteller you are!! Nice to meet you!!!
Megan said…
So jealous of the horses!! I love horses but don't ever get to ride them.

I'm totally chuckling at the time out pic. heehee
sarasophia said…
So nice to "meet" you:) Stopping by from BlogHop '09 and am swooning over your gorgeous family<3 Your girls are adorable...I have four little ones myself all under the age of 8..we homeschool, craft, sing, try to choose 'green' products and practices, and love the Lord with all our hearts.

I am looking forward to following you.
Please stop by and say hello if you get a chance:)

<3 sarasophia

I am looking to reach 100 comments to my Top Ten List by this evening so a comment to that post would be MUCH appreciated!
Unknown said…
Stopping by from the blog hop! Love the bright happy colors of your blog and all the adorable pics!!

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