a few things me and the fam DID NOT do this week...
we DID NOT pack up and drive to MO for grandma's emergency surgery on wednesday. i DID NOT pack 5 peeps in 45 minutes, get the oil changed, fill the hooptie with gas and fill up a food bag in less than 2 hours. oh, i was NOT that good!
grandma DID NOT wave her toes in uncle pete's face and say "these are my toes, waving goodbye" right before she was getting her last leg amputated...grandma DID NOT laugh hysterically and then say, "i bet that's never happened to you before".
ryan DID NOT fly to france on saturday to only get stuck in newark {shocking, i know} for the night and the whole next day. ryan DID NOT spend fathers day, alone in newark, at the airport...all day.
brooke DID NOT buy roley poley's from the neighbor girl for 25 cents...to which i DID NOT explain tom sawyer and the white washing story to b....telling her she needed to be the seller and not the buyer!
i DID NOT go to one of my fav friends bachelorette parties...where we DID NOT start at chili's eating their super fantastic chicken tenders. yummo. i DID NOT make an "abby's panty line" for her with panties for her lifetime...and we DID NOT eat angel food cake and cookies and have a fab talk, just us girls. i was NOT totally blessed by seeing purity in real life...and thanking god for it!
jada's pearl of wisdom for the day was NOT "if you puke on the floor, you must clean it up. if you feel sick to your tummy, you should barf in the toilet"...just so you know.
jada DID NOT hit brooke in the face. when i asked why she hit her, she DID NOT say, "it was only the cheek, not really the real face". she DID NOT get sent to her room for time out.
i am NOT taking 60 high school students {and other adults too} to big stuf this week...and i am NOT jacked up for what things will happen this next week.
when ryan said, "it's time to make a stop...we should maybe wake up paige"...brooke DID NOT say "i'll take care of that. cock-a-doodle-doo!!!!"i am NOT feeling a itty bitty sicky with a sore throat and headache...and NOT feeling like i just wanna crawl in bed...did i mention that i AM NOT taking 60 hs students on a trip???
prayers for stellan and for all of you...home of not me monday's is over at mck mama's place!!!
Great post..you make me laugh
I hope you feel better soon!
As always, a fabulous NOT Me Monday!
Hope you're having a great Monday!
Hope you feel better soon!