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honoring kayleigh anne freeman

if you haven't met aimee and adam freeman yet, you are missing out on some amazing peeps.
they have 3 kiddos...2 girls and a boy...and miss kayleigh, the baby, was a 1lb miracle.
they have the faith and strength and endurance...and they are grieving the loss of little kayleigh...and they need our prayers.

kayleigh anne freeman is home with jesus now...and we honored that precious baby girl with a pink balloon release...

it did not go as planned.
i explained to the girls that kayleigh had passed away and she was with jesus now...and they asked a few questions then they grabbed the balloons...that i blew up {problem #1} and gave them a toss.

so in honoring a sweet and precious little baby girl, we chased the balloons and frolicked in the yard instead, knowing kayleigh was playing for the first time...with no pain and no fighting for breaths and no sorrow...just playing. so we did too.

in an only god sorta way, one balloon floated if to remind us that he remains.
god remains.
isn't that awesome???

so we ask that you pray for the freeman family in this very hard time...and stop by HERE and give them some love too.

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." ephesians 3:20


What a beautiful post and a sweet tribute. I'm continuing to pray for that family.
kisatrtle said…
a beautiful post.
Erin said…
Beautiful and sweet.
Jenni said…
That was really beautiful!
I've been following this story too. it is so heartbreaking and yet beautiful because of how the family is handling it. You did a wonderful job of showcasing the photos you took and your efforts to help honor Kayleigh Ann. I wish we could have done more to help them. But what is better than prayer, really.

By the way, I saw your comment on My Chaos, My Bliss about your height. I'm also 4'9" or about 4'10 " I'm adding you to my reader. Us short folks need to stick together, right? :-)
That's so precious... and I love the shot of the one balloon floating up!

I nominated you for an award over at my blog, when you get a chance!

Megan said…
Fun pictures of your "balloon release".

The Freeman's are definitely in my prayers.
It's SO SWEET that your family did this to honor her!
Anonymous said…
I was so not planning to cry today. I'm not surprised that you did such a beautiful thing, because you ARE a beautiful person. I love thinking little Kayleigh was playing along with you guys.

((Heart Hugs))
Kacey said…
What a beautiful tribute dear friend. I will pray for the Freemans.
Here's to little Kayleigh and her family! I pray for her to have safe travels home and may her family have strength and courage always!
GodseySix said…
Okay. I must say that I have never gotten so "into" a post written by someone I don't know. Great, GREAT post. Wonderful tribute to Kayleigh and the Freemans and I LOVE that your balloon release didn't go as planned. Sounds like life in general, right? Kudos to you for making the best of it and for posting such a lovely post. With pictures! ;)
Beautiful post. I'll be thinking of and praying for them!
That was beautiful and maybe it was just as it was supposed to having fun, running around with their pink balloons. I'm sure God was smiling.
Debbie said…
A lovely tribute to that sweet family.

Dropped by from SITS.
Jen said…
what a beautiful tribute.
The Pifer's said…
This brings tears to my eyes!
Tabitha Blue said…
We are praying for them and what a wonderful way to honor such a sweet baby... whether it worked like it should or not. Great pics too.

Pam said…

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