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toddler turmoil

jada is in a the picture arena.

look at her "pouty face" when she was asked to share a picture with her friend and way. she was having none of that!

so we got the decent shot of molly and brooke...

and THEN, jada says, "take my pic too, mommy...but only all by myself."

this is all i can get from this kid. the 2 finger myspace shot! i think we are spending too much time around hs kids or something! she's gotta come out of the funk soon...otherwise she'll think we made her do "the look" later in life.

you are my witness..she's all about the "by myself" and "myspace shots."
go look on over at angie's for more wordful wednesday's.


Carrie said…
hee hee What a little DIVA!
Cecily R said…
Two fingered my space shot...HAHAHA! I love it! She's adorable!
Yes, I know it must be irritating, but it is SO CUTE from an outside perspective!!!! She's just darling!
Heather said…
The "myspace" shot is hysterical! They are precious!!
Michelle said…
Well, if I were that cute I would want to have my picture taken alone too! :)
Oh, Elayna can get like that too. Gotta love it!
Anonymous said…
Where do they get this stuff from? LOL
Tanielle said…
What an adorable family you have! I love the attitude. I've got one of those too!

Have a great day!
That cracks me up! "Deuces"! That's what Cat says when she pulls this move! lol!

Absolutely ADORABLE kiddos!!!
Karen said…
She has a MySpace?! I really AM the only person on Planet Earth without one. ;)
Live.Love.Eat said…
Oh yes, I love the 2 finger peace sign. My little guy and his cousins do that and it just never gets old!
brionyskerjance said…
hahaha my lil brother was exactly the same way...i always wanted to take pics with him but he had this special pose he had to do all by himself. we have over a hundred pics all from all over the country with that pose. hahah
lmt1073 said…
tee hee... how funny... i was told the other day by my sister in law that every time I break out the camera that all the children automatically start posing... is this bad???
Mandy said…
She's a funny girl!
Anonymous said…
Hootin Anni said…
Such darling photos. Cute, cute, cute.

My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees...errrr, um....maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out.
Anonymous said…
What a funny girl! The pics are way to cute! Remember they'll always be fun in the High School graduation slide show! :)
Aunt Julie said…
What sweet snaps...thanks so much for sharing!
Alisha said…
haha, m girls never look at the camera. I just want one dang good picture! lol. The beads are cute!
jenn said…
Haha. That's so funny.
He & Me + 3 said…
That's my girl...wanting the spotlight:) LOL She is so funny!
Jen said…
She is going to love these photos when she is older.
~pen~ said…
cute, our kids each have a pic face that they do, we call it their "ugly face". Crazy.
The Blonde Duck said…
She's independant early!
Simply AnonyMom said…
LOVE IT!!! She is so adorable. Sorry she doesn't want to share.
Anonymous said…
"2 finger myspace shot" hahahaha! Love it!
Africa Girl said…
That's my girl, Lil miss Jada! I don't think she hangs out with us high school students too much :)
Tabitha Blue said…
Haha, my daughter is the same way.... well, she doesn't mind me taking her pic usually, but it's all on her terms pretty much. I either just photograph what she's already doing or what she wants to do, she usually won't just do what I ask. My husband just tells me to realize that she's 2! Haha.

Oh, I love it! Aren't kids funny?! She is adorable.
Megan said…
heehee Such a little stinker. But OH SO CUTE!! =D

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