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spring fling---giveaway here too!!

welcome SITSta's {and BITSta's}...glad you stopped in. gotta love the spring fling!!

ok, i'm a coffee snob and i love my coffee hot...none of that warm stuff. so, when i say these cozies that are adorable, useful and green {no paper cozy for you}...i jumped for joy!

the girlies at two florida girls are super fab...great ideas and style...and i asked them if they would be part of the giveaway...allowing you to pick the cozy of your choice from their shop. you know i have etsy love!!! and if you are not a coffee drinker...u can pick magnets...bc they are just as fab!

best part...the monies from the sale, go towards building the cora paige playground...and that is awesome!!! {and no worries...the monies have already been donated, we're just waiting for your choices to be made and shipped}

so jump for joy...look on over at two florida girls etsy shop enter this little giveaway. the love!! tell me what cozy/magnet you want and why...

extra entries you say? ok, fine. one entry each for doing the following:
follow my blog
follow me on twitter
tell me something you will to this week to support a family in need
{get creative...a note, babysitting, etc.}

and, i'm picking 2 winners...yep! so comment away!!!
and good coffee is just around the corner...or magnets that are so fab i can't stand it!!!

and two florida girls are bloggers too...i mean, they had to be with all those creative juices! go and check them out sometime here and here.


Alisha said…
Have fun doing your giveaway!
Casey's trio said…
Love the magnets!
Mamarazzi said…
SO cute! i love the ones you are featuring...adorable!

i am off to follow you on twitter...woo hoo...i just joined twitter after i found out all the cool kids are doing it. i am easy like that!

oh and i am driving ALL of the carpool this week taking over for 2 other moms!
Falling Around said…
Totally fab!

Lovin the cozies... Starbucks is always out of them anyway and then I gotta sit there burnin my precious fingers!! Well, not if I have one of these beauties.

Gotta have it... I just gotta!

Now I'm off to check if I'm following you on Twitter. :)
I can't pick between the turtle & ladybug coffee cozies. They are both SO cute and I neeeeeeeeeed them!! I already follow your blog. :o)
Pam said…
Pam said…
I follow you!
Pam said…
I tweet with you!! (okay now, hubs is really going to wonder if i am a stalker!!!!) ;)
Pam said…
I babysat my sister's kids last night... they may not be too in need (in my mind anyway) but that may be about as good as it gets this week... unless you could count giving away great prizes on my blog this week to anyone who needs a lift and will be encouraged by winning!!!!
GypsiAdventure said…
Oh how adorable! You do manage to find the neatest stuff!! As for me - I've been helping a few families in need by donating some of the girls stuff and providing $$...I know it's not much (and sometimes feel it's shallow) but its hard to offer up time when my own is so limited sometimes. I guess a little something is better than no something right?

Yay for the giveaway though...its fab! And I already follow you on the blog and on twitter!
He & Me + 3 said…
Very neat giveaway!
He & Me + 3 said…
I follow ya too.
lmt1073 said…
i love my coffee in the morning and the guys i work with know that i need at least one cup before they start bothering me with this and that! if not, it's on like donkey kong!
I LOVE the Lilly Pulitzer cozy and magnets! I just love the whole cozy idea in general! What a fantastic gift idea!
I am a follower!!!!
This week the kids and I are helping a family pack for a move out of state. The husband recently lost his job:( They are moving back with family for some added support. We are also helping them host a yard sale.

(this economy just stinks!)
MyLinda said…
I LOVE the sock monkey cozy!!
Me Too said…
I am SUCH a coffee snob also!! I would LOVE a coffee cozy - especially the fruits and flowers! So cute! Thanks.
Bethany said…
Lovin the cozy!!!

And by the way, if you sent me an email about the Jack Ryan Gillham Foundation, I didn't get it. THat email address acts up a lot. If you want to you can email me at
theUngourmet said…
Both of these are adorable! I have a both of toiletries that I am going to share with my sister. (money is always tight for her and her girls and I like to help her as much as I am able.) Now I am off to find you on Twitter!
Lynda said…
The cozies are fantastic!
Michelle said…
All of the material they use on their cozy's are so darn cute.

I'm following.....but I swear, I thought I was already following you! Maybe I was and now I'm a double follower. :)
April said…
Those are so cute!!! Happy Spring Fling!!!
tiarastantrums said…
very cool giveaway!!
Laurence said…
Ohh! I love coffee, and I gave it up for lent so I'd be loving these little cozies!

I'm following you also =)
Mesa said…
Love love your blog! And your give-a-way is fabu!! :) Off to follow you on Twitter now (mesa1978)! Have a happy springy flingy day! :)
Robin said…
I really love the cozy you have pictured. I'm into bright colors.

AND: I'm adding you to my follow list.
Heather said…
Following you on Twitter, and your blog! I think the money going to the Cora playground is excellent. That family so needs some smiles!
Anonymous said…
Oh, cute! Happy Spring Fling!

Thanks for stopping by my site and entering!
Ginny said…
I have been wanting the lazy paisley cozy from Twofloridagirls for SO long because I absolutely love that Lilly Pulitzer pattern and I have coffee every morning :) I follow you on Twitter (allamericanprep)
Connie said…
I love the cozy that you have pictured! It is perfect for me!
Anonymous said…
The cozy you have pictured is so CUTE! I'm a follower and this Saturday my good deed is we are mailing 150 goody bags to the Children's Hospital in New Orleans in honor of Gwendolyn Strong.
I love the flowered Cora cozy because it's cheerful and helps out Cora:)
Unknown said…
Thanls for stopping by my blog and wishing me well...I am feeling better this afternoon but still sore. I am staying in bed and behaving though!!!

I love the FSU coffee cozy...that is really too cute! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway and I am following now.
Island Girl said…
I love the cozy! I really wish they made them in Alabama fabric like they have for Florida and Florida State, but since they're in Florida I understand, haha!

I'm also going to add myself as a follower right now!!
Anonymous said…
I love the Cora Paige coffee cosy !!!
Kerri said…
Thank you somuch for stopping by and entering my giveaway! You have such an adorable blog and I love this giveaway! I too have been keeping up with Coras story. I will be back!
Rayna said…
These things are great and I love coffee. I like their flowers and fruits one. I think I am remembering that name right. it's the last one on their coffee cozies page.
Rayna said…
I'm following your blog now too
Rayna said…
And following you on twitter.

Alex the Girl said…
These look cozy (pun intended). Have a great day.
Soooo stinking cute!

I love the magnets.
I love coffee and the cozy.

And I LOVE that the money went to help build Cora's Playground!
Anonymous said…
I love the Cora Paige - Whimsical Flower Glass Magnets becuase one has a ladybug on it and i love ladybugs!
Anonymous said…
Im a follower
Anonymous said…
Haiving a giveaway of my own! Check it out!
Megan said…
Well, living in the land of coffee, you know I have to be a coffee snob too! LOL I love this cozie:
Megan said…
I follow you already! =D
Megan said…
And on Twitter too! ;0)
Amy said…
I love the magnets! I am not a coffee drinker, soooo. Thanks for stopping by to enter my giveaway. Happy Spring Fling :)
Brandy said…
I love the Candy Floral's soo cute!
Brandy said…
And now I'm following you on twitter!
I love the Lilly Pulitzer Glass Magnet - Illuminations Turtles and Pineapple Passion.

Happy spring fling!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I love the coffee cozies...especially the turtle one! Or maybe the flower ones. I'm also a follower of your blog and don't have twitter. I'm not sure how to tweet.

Our neighbor has a son who is autistic. She has gone through some tough times but still keeps on going. He left two oranges on our front door step with a note that said, "luc dan" (look down) so I bought a box of fruit snacks to put on his doorstep also with the note, "look down".
L said…
What a great site you have. Here from SITS just saying high and surfin your stuff.
Anonymous said…
Those coffee holders are such a good idea! I like the sock monkey print one!
Treasia Stepp said…
I signed up and am following you.

I also love the Lilly Pulitzer coffee cozie. That's the one I would like to win. I love anything Lilly.
Treasia Stepp said…
The something nice I done for a family in need this week was yesterday another bloggy friend of mine is taking donations for making nice gift baskets for the soon to be mothers in her community. The ones who are in need of them. I donated and mailed her a $15.00 check yesterday.
Dee said…
I LOVE the ones you have pictured..and I alos like the Lilly Pulitzer Glass Magnet - Illuminations Turtles, Rock a Hula Monkey and Pineapple Passion

AND the Candy Floral cozy!
amy said…
The cozy you posted is darling!
Kristen said…
So cute! I love the fabric pattern.
I love that the cozies are reversible. What a wonderful thing to do with the proceeds, too.
Live.Love.Eat said…
I will definitely check out the 2 fellow Floridians. Love the cozys. I used to call them koozie whatsies.
Anonymous said…
I love the colour of the Lazy Paisley coffee cozy. Nice!
Love your Blog! What a BIG HEART you have, I am inspired!

Annelie said…
I would love the cozy! It is so adorable! And, looking at their great Etsy, I love the the Candy Floral coffee cozy! Fabulous!
AndreaLeigh said…
i love the floral cozy! adorable!
Rachel Ann said…
Love the lilly pullitzer coffee has a cute monkey on it!!!
Alicia @ Oh2122 said…
LOVE the black and white and red one! So cute!
Shannon said…
I must have the sock monkey coffee cozy! My youngest girl is a monkey-fanatic! We love monkeys over here at my house!

And the whimsical floral magnets are too cute!
Shannon said…
Following your blog!
Shannon said…
Following you on Twitter!

Kebi Cedawna said…
I love that you're featuring something that goes to a great cause. I like the Cora Paige cozy, it's bright colors are cute and I love that it benefits a worth-while cause.
Carrie said…

Cindy DG said…
Love the music on your site! I bought lunch for a co-worker today that is struggling and working 2 jobs to make ends meet.
Cindy DG said…
Following you on twitter!
Cindy DG said…
I love those cozies! I am now a follower of your blog.
Unknown said…
i love those coffee thingys
Mel Fraase said…
Even before I saw the name, I liked the Cora Paige coffee cozy. The flowers are so cute!!
Mel Fraase said…
Even before I saw the name, I liked the Cora Paige coffee cozy. The flowers are so cute!!
Mel Fraase said…
I follow - and I don't know what happened with those duplicate comments!!
those are adorable magnets. So bright and cheery, just like your blog!
Mel Fraase said…
I follow you on twitter!
Rosie said…
what a great idea, coffee cozy! I'm a coffeeholic and I love the Candy cozy and the cora magnets.
Love your blog!
Thanks for posting at Vinobodega!
Aubrey said…
Oh! This is such a great idea! One of my really good friends got me something similar for Christmas. I LOVE it and could sure use another one!!
Aubrey said…

The one that caught my eye is the Candy Floral AND...

I am now a follower!
Tamara Mitchell said…
Oh my...what a cute coffee sleeve! I too have to have my coffee HOT! Please do not serve me luke warm coffee! They have some fab products and ideas!
Lora said…
how fun! I'm going to "heart" their shop on etsy. My favorite cozy is the black and white/red dots. Fabulous idea--I'm all about going green with my starbucks too!
Sock monkeys, sooo cute!

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