my tribute today is to my oldest daughter...paige.
she makes the teen years way easier than they should be!
i got a letter in the mail from the school recently telling me that paige has been selected as student of the month for the second time. second time?? i didn't know about the first time.
here's the convo:
me: "paige, what is student of the month"
p: "nothing important. something the teachers vote on. no big deal."
me: "did you know you know you were selected?"
p: "yep."
me: "that's it. yep?"
p: "i was picked as student of the week 5 times or something and this is my second time as student of the month. oh, i got this free frosty thing coupon and a free chick-fil-a nugget free coupon thingy. here, you should go and do that on your time out of the house."
seriously? a teenager who isn't self indulged and self-seeking? i'm sorry...what did we do right? what has the lord blessed us with?
i am thankful for paige's heart and passion for others.
i am thankful and blessed by the fact that paige doesn't get into other people's images of her.
i am thankful that my girlie knows how much i love a frosty and chick-fil-a and is wiling to give up her own winnings to think of me first...which i could never's hers!!!
i am loving my girlie for standing up for what she believes in...for not letting other people define who she is.
i am paying tribute to a beautiful young woman who has already become more than i could have ever expected...and she's a great role model for her 3 younger sisters too. a lover of god. a servant. and my daughter...which is the best blessing of all.

A Jay and Deb Production.
I would NEVER give away a free Chik-fil-A coupon!! NEVAH!!! " )
Please bless me too, because at one point we are going to have 6 kids entering their teenage years at the same time.
Awesome job mom!
BTW-Why don't you start with the pressing comb in the jar for Jada?
Hugs and Mocha,
Blessings to you and your family……
Almost makes me want a girl.... until I remember what I was like.... lol!