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straight jacket, a compression vest.
but ryan insists on calling it sofie's straight jacket.

so, 45 minutes at a time....

...a number of times a day brings some stability and smiles to a sweet face.

OT (occupational therapy) is a good thing...a very good thing.
sensory integration get it, you can get a straight jacket too!
********since you asked...the compression vest is used for a few things. one is pressure throughout sofie's trunk which she desires and strives for. another thing is stability. when she has pressure, she feels more stable. so we do joint compressions and a brushing protocol as needed, but that lasts only a short time. the compression vest is like getting a long bear hug that gives you that happy place. wanna know more? let me know...sensory integration dysfunction or sensory processing dysfuntion is pretty interesting stuff...straight jackets and all!*******

wordful wednesday is awesome...and you won't have to wear a straight jacket. go check out angie's for lots of other fun peeps ww's!


GypsiAdventure said…
awe..she is still adorable! So what exactly does the vest do for her?
brionyskerjance said…
she looks so cute in her little vest, it's awesome that it helps her!
He & Me + 3 said…
Look at her go. She is so cute in that little vest.
Kacey said…
Oh just stop it! She is TOO darn cute. I am glad the vest helps her. OT is an awesome thing! You know that plain little vest makes me want to jazz it up...just a little. Can we? Can we? :D
~pen~ said…
regardless she is still a cutie!
jenn said…
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jenn said…
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jenn said…
It does look a bit like a straight jacket, but she's still such a cutie. At least she seems happy enough with it.
Jen said…
now that is one cute straight jacket.
So what does it do, help her hold herself up right so that she can walk? Does it give her torso added strength? Just curious.
Live.Love.Eat said…
I am laughing at Kacey wanting to jazz up the vest but she'd do a good job I'm sure! Sofie really is gorgeous!
Carrie said…
I'm with the others. What does it do?

She's getting so big!! She's still a little peanut, but she looks so "growed up!"
Meredith said…
Sweet girl!
Anonymous said…
I sure could use that vest for my awful posture. :)

She looks far cuter in it than I would. LOL
Susie said…
Those vests are fantastic! She is so cute!
Sandra said… hubby needs one of those...

She is soooo adorable your littleone! Thanks for explaining...I was just going to ask...
Kalei said…
Your daughter looks like she gets a kick out of the stability! I am so glad we are so blessed with new developments that allow children to receive necessary treatments and therapy....maybe she will come up with the "new" developments in Occupational therapy. Those children of ours are so smart!
Unknown said…
She looks like she's enjoying wearing her vest. So sweet! :)

First time I've heard of such a vest, thanks!

Happy WW! :)
lol she's so precious!!!
Cecilia said…
What a beautiful little girl!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Simply AnonyMom said…
That vest looks like it is huggung her. She is adorable!
Unknown said…
she looks so cute! those pants are adorable!
MaricrisG said…
I think I may need one of those too! I want to be in a happy place :) I'll go check out the link and find out more about it.
Caitlin said…
A big hug sounds nice! :) I used to work in a day care with a child who had one of these. It made a WORLD of difference. I hope that it does the same for your little beauty! A straightjacket would probably be appropriate for you husband..?:) Or maybe that's mine?!
I've never seen one of those!

Does she hate it? Or does she even notice?

She's such a doll.
Tara Bennett said…
Oh I love it! It looks like she doesn't mind it. So glad she is doing well with it! I love that he calls it a straight jacket - so funny! What cute kiddos. =)
Rebekah said…
I could use a vest like that from time to time.
tiarastantrums said…
wow - haven't seen one of those in awhile . . . remembering the days (my son loved his too)
Jenni said…
That is very cool! And BOY is she cute!
Jaysi said…
ahhhh....that just makes my little OT heart smile!!!
auntie said…
i checked out the website link you have for sensory integration dysfunction, and thought it was really interesting. i've never heard of this condition before. i haven't read all of your archives, so maybe you've talked about it somewhere along the way, but i'm curious how you knew that she needed this kind of help?
Lorina said…
I actually was going to ask you what it was until I finished reading it. Nice of me to jump the gun huh? This has always been my problem!

Great pictures though, and she is so cute anyway.
Lindsay said…
Okay - i've been lurking for quite a while now, but does she go through OT because she was early?

And seriously - I could use one of those! So comfy.
Megan said…
She's adorable, straight jacket or not! :)
Keri said…
Ah, something I know a little bit about! Logan has SPD, although it has gotten better. We've been through the brushing and joint compressions too. He used to wear a 'straight jacket' also during therapy. We've even looked into TheraTogs.

So glad to see Sofie in her happy place with the vest. She's such a schweetheart and I'd love to give her a bear hug. Not too hard, of course. Precious!
Michelle said…
She's so cute in her sraight jacket LOL

Can I ask how she was dx w/SID at a young age? I wondered what symptoms she had or what led to getting that dx. Sometimes I wonder if Kayla has SID, no one's ever suggested it to me, it's just something I've wondered about. I bought the book "The out of sync child" but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Oh that's for sensory processing disorder...I'm not sure what the difference is between SPD and SID...

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