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not me monday

a few things me and the fam def DID NOT do this last week...

my mother DID NOT say that this kid at p's ball game looked like the statue of liberty.
jada DID NOT do the "i got money, money" dance when she opened up her valentine card from grandma and grandpa on saturday morning...and give me the "for rizzle shizzle" look on her own, unprovoked.

hubs DID NOT run around frantically looking for the remote yelling, "i need to know if lincoln's body was stolen from his tomb....someone find the remote!". dang history channel. dang dork hubs.

i DID NOT take b, jk and sofie to starbucks for a little morning coffee date before preschool. we DID NT polish 3 donuts in 3 minutes...and sofie was NOT eating the crumbs off the floor with great delight.
paige's bball team DID NOT win the tourney they were in this weekend.

brooke DID NOT say "seriously, dad. you know what i'm talking about and that a kids meal from burger king is JUST the same as mc donald's. dad. what ARE you thinking? gee whiz". she DID NOT sound like her teenage big sister and ryan and i DID NOT laugh thinking that her teen years would NOT be a load of non-stop adventures.

hubs DID NOT travel to france on monday and leave me and the girlie pies all alone {again} for the week...only to return with real french chocolate for me. he def is NOT after my heart.

when i asked b to settle down and stop moving she DID NOT say, "i got the wiggles, mom, and i gotta get 'em out!"
my 'rents DID NOT come and rescue me this week for some time alone. i DID NOT drive to dinner in utter silence. i DID NOT read the newspaper and write my sermon during dinner on my laptop. i DID NOT head off to tj maxx and i DID NOT have a blast just walking around and looking at fun stuff and find a $5 party dress for b. then, i DID NOT go to the starbucks drive thru to finish off the time out alone night...and feel two things: utterly thankful for great parents and relief!

paige and her "boyfriend" DID NOT go ice skating and take along hubs and b for fun.
{for the record...hubs took the picture}

i DID NOT just overhear this:
paige: "that is really disturbing. gross."
hubs: "sorry, my butt itched."
paige: "ok, next time, don't make it grosser by talking."

i DID NOT let the kids talk me into mcd's burgers two nights this week because of ball games and me being tired...and i am totally NOT sick of eating there right now.

jada and brooke are NOT dancing around singing, "i'm is somebody. i'm is deeper and wider"...which is NOT a reasonable fascimile of the real sunday school song.

head on over ot mckmama's place and see all kinds of peeps that are NOT doing this NOT ME MONDAY.


He & Me + 3 said…
Oh if only I had a teenager around our house would sound so much alike. That was too funny about the butt itch and lucky you for great parents and free time. I have great parents, but rarely get that much needed free time.
Anonymous said…
Great Not Me's!

Now I have a term for it the "wiggles", thanks!
CntryMomma said…
My husband is a history channel dork too. @@

Anonymous said…
Jada and that look are PRICELESS!
I so am a history fanatic and understand hubs anxiety. LOL
GypsiAdventure said…
What is it with the men and their history channel?? And yes, I second your notion that watching the kids at a young age can only be an indicator of what the teen years will be like...mine, oh I'm so very afraid! ;)

Have a good Monday!!
Crazee Juls said…
Oh these were all good! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is adorable!! I love the colors! Your family is awesome too....

FYI, the "sorry my butt itched" was my favorite..priceless
Ohilda said…
TOO FUNNY!!!!! I love your pics, too.
Maisy said…
This has to be one of the funniest posts I have EVER read. Wow..thanks for the laughter.

Any-Hoo....Thanks so much for becoming a follower. Super duper sweet of you!!

I've decided...i'm ditching my dreams and want to become part of your dream. Can I do that???

Happy Monday....and I do NOT hope your hubby comes back soon and I do NOT hope you keep your sanity.
oh man, that lady has some crazy kids!!! ha! i left myself a comment. i'm trying to figure out google analystics.
Love the photos in this post especially the money face.
Jen said…
I loves this!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I don't think you ever get old for the "I got money money" dance! :)
LOL on your not me's :-)
Lindsay said…
Seriously - you crack me up. Do thy know you by name by now when you head to Starbucks?

The butt-itching thing had me laughing out loud!

And for real - your parents really do rock...and so does hubs!

have a wonderful week with the kidlets!
Kacey said…
So glad you got some time alone! That is awesome. We just polished of some McDs ourselves - a treat for Ryder for being a good boy at the doctor's office. Whew!
Anonymous said…
You have me laughing, on a Monday, before coffee! AMAZING! Thanks for stopping by and sorry to share the bad news about Domino, but we are trying to at least save the website. Please do come back, I promise you that usually it is a very fashionable and uplifting experience.
Kimmy said…
Way too cute!!!!

I saw that Lincoln thing this weekend too! :o) Had good ol' Starbuckies too!! MMMMM!!!!

BTW...I left you something on my blog. Come check it out when you have a chance :o)
jenn said…
I love what B said about having the wiggles.

And doesn't everyone stop at Starbucks before preschool? I would if there was one within 30 miles.
Hccm said…
Did they steal his body from his tomb? I need to go and google this.

BTW-Tell Jade for rizzle!

Hugs and Mocha,
Michelle said…
I love the money dance shot. Very cute!
Michelle said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hey there!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I appreciate you sharing your story and thinking of Addelynn and Alexander and our journey as the 2009 Ambassador family for the March for Babies walk. Your donation is greatly appreciated too. Please keep in touch. Also, you are more than welcome to share our site!
Hey there!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I appreciate you sharing your story and thinking of Addelynn and Alexander and our journey as the 2009 Ambassador family for the March for Babies walk. Your donation is greatly appreciated too. Please keep in touch. Also, you are more than welcome to share our site!
Tara Bennett said…
The conversation between hubs and Paige had me rolling! Love it.
Carrie said…
Uhhhh, I am superdork as well. I loved Stealing Lincoln's Body so much I DVR'd it soes I can watch it again! I'm a huge history channel nerd! HUGE!

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