ok, sometimes you can learn the best lessons from the "not so smartest" people...
The Ontario Court of Appeal overturned the conviction of Antonio Batista in November, declaring that his "death threat" against a Missassauga city council member, in the form of a sonnet on long-neglected potholes, was more likely literary expression. [Globe & Mail, 11-5-08, National Post, 11-29-08]...as noted from here.
lesson: if you decide to be totally ignorant and write a death threat, make sure you do it artistically.

The Ontario Court of Appeal overturned the conviction of Antonio Batista in November, declaring that his "death threat" against a Missassauga city council member, in the form of a sonnet on long-neglected potholes, was more likely literary expression. [Globe & Mail, 11-5-08, National Post, 11-29-08]...as noted from here.
lesson: if you decide to be totally ignorant and write a death threat, make sure you do it artistically.

my 5 yr old son also marches right up to the counter at starbucks and placed his own order....i know....i know...some parents will think it's bad that my little man knows starbucks. guess what...if he doesn't like his happy meal toy he will go up and ask for a different one. i'm just happy that he is confident and independent(not too independent...his mama still needs him)
thanks for a great blog!
See how great you and your blog are? Check you out, peeps being taken against their will away from your blog! That's flippin awesome! So awesome that I've given you a blog award! Much deserved of course!
Found Wenda! Woohoo!
I can't believe they let him off. Crazy!