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the inner you

jada and i went for coffee the other day after mom's day at preschool. my girlies love to spend time at starbucks drinking coffee...who doesn't? it's fun!

we walk up to the counter and she says, "i want hot chocolate. lots of whip cream. actually, extra whip cream. and no lid."

the barista, bless her heart, did not laugh out loud, but wrote it all on the cup and held her smile to a minimum.

"me, i'll have a venti bold with hazel nut. and room."
well, you have to love a girl who knows what she wants...and knows how to order it too!


Tara Bennett said…
Oh my your kiddos are so cute.

And guess what? I have exciting news!

You won the hairbows on today's giveaway at kidz. I was so worried that the winner wouldn't have girls, but looks like I worried in vain. You can definitely use bows in your household!!!

Just email your address and I'll get them sent.

debi9kids said…
What a cutie she is! Not one of my kids would have a clue how to oder a coffee (actually, i don't either.LOL)
cat said…
Oh wow, she is adorable. What a cutie. Thanks for popping in at my place.
Anonymous said…
That's right. A girl that knows her mind and can speak it is a good thing!
Anonymous said…
Adorable photos!

Good morning sistas! It's one day until Friday!

I'm sponsoring a Mardi Gras contest on my blog. Lots of fun cupcake prizes.
Grand Prize: Juicy Couture Pink Cupcake necklace.

Zen Cupcake February 17, 2009: Mardi Gras Giveaway!

Make it a great day!
GypsiAdventure said…
Can I get some lessons from that little girl...I don't even order that good when I get there (yes, I am the person who orders a small/medium/large iced coffee...*hangs head* I know - so sad!)

You're kiddos are too cute!
Sheryl said…
Such cute pictures, it's great - she's a young lady who knows what she wants, you go girl.

Sorry it's snowing, I'm in Nebraska and it's cold again. We had a couple of days in the 60's and now we're dipping into the 20's again.

I can't wait to feel the heat from the sun on my face again.

Have a great day
Visiting from SITS.
Karen said…
I love it! I love the barista that took the order and didn't turn to question you about it, I love that Jada knows exactly what she wants and how to order it, I love that you take her to your fave hangout and I love Starbucks.
Mandy said…
I think that is great. I always ordered for my kids and now they are so bashful when it comes to things like that. I wish I had let them order more while they were younger but that is hindsight now. So my oldest has to step out of his comfort zone just to order food! But he is still young...:0)

Cute story.
Adorable...a girl who knows what she cute!

Anonymous said…
She's simply adorable and confident!!

Love it!
Thanks for the smile!

PS.Today is the drop off in honor of Cora. :)
CntryMomma said…
I love her outfit! Do you happen to remember where you got it?

Kacey said…
Love that she knows what she wants and how to get it. Before you know it she'll be ordering everything better that you. LOL "I'll have a tall, half caff, no fat, slight cinnamon sprinkles, machiatto. Thanks."
Karen said…
Oh I love your little Jada! What a fun time.
Jen said…
That girl sure does know what she wants. Love it!!!!
Carrie said…
And I'll have a coffee from Tim Horton's. heh heh

Starbucks is not my favorite, but I'd go there if it meant I got to hang out with your clan! " )
mama's smitten said…
Oh that is ADORABLE!
Jenni said…
Good for her! I still stumble over my order at Starbucks!
Yay! Way to go Jada! Ordering by one's self is a great milestone (in my opinion). She's so precious in those pictures :D
Vashti said…
Hi there. I just stumbled on your blog and I am so happy to find yet another adoptive mommy! Jada is adorable! Gotta love a girl who loves starbucks!
Meredith said…
What a fantastic "date" with Mommy!!
jenn said…
That is too cute.

Shiloh asks her dolls if they want coffee. (And no, I don't let her drink coffee, but she has had some caffeine free coffee from a woman at church and loved it.)
Elizabeth said…
What a fun memory for you and Jada.
He & Me + 3 said…
I think that Stunt man could order my iced coffee at DD too:) That is so cute!
The Blonde Duck said…
I think we should all have extra whipped cream. :)
Anonymous said…
She is just adorable!

I don't like starbucks whip cream. It tastes funny.

My standard order is:

Non-fat No-whip Peppermint Mocha
Jaysi said…
I love the shot of the cup! Too funny! You could be in trouble with a girlie who already knows what she wants!! Good for her though!
Lorina said…
She is too cute for words!
She is ADORABLE! I still fumble when I walk up to a Starbucks counter. I can't remember what it is I wanted and they get so impatient with me!
Thank you for stopping by my blog. We really appreciate your prayers.I noticed you have a link to St. Baldrick's on your blog...I'm going to have to take a couple of hours and catch up on you!
Take care~ ♥,Lilly
RandomWonders said…
I love when the baristas take my daughters order seriously too! Love your photo documentary here! She is too stinkin cute! And those SB cups make my mouth water!!! Mmmmm
Susan said…
I love it! Austin just saw the pictures and said, "I want coffee Mommy." I guess our kids share our love for coffee.
Smart little suckers!
Megan said…
Hahaha Love it!
Amarie said…
A Starbuck's girl in training! Love it! :-D
Goodness, she's so cute!!
Keri said…
She's such a doll! Love the fact that she knows what she wants!
awesome u took the picture of the cup!

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