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sofie has a number of sensory issues and one of them is texture, especially in her mouth. she will only eat foods that are mildly warmed, nothing cold, even juice. she can't stand slimy or gushy and hates wet foods as well.

yes, her highness is quite demanding on the food front...which serves me right for having 3 other kids who would eat cardboard and a salt cube if i gave it to them on a plate.

jada is having a banana {come on you know you are singing, "it's bananas. b-a-n-a-n-a-s. bananas. b-a-n-a-n-a-s" right??} in the toy room at the picnik table...HUGE treat as we eat at the dinner table. i walk away to do the dishes from lunch. as i reenter the room, i see sofie having a blast with what appears to be the remains of said banana.

in jada fashion, she saw a book that she wanted to read, so she forgot to eat the banana...and sofie found it quite interesting.
{seriously, i'm embarrassed by her clothing, but we had already lost the sweater with food stains and who knew she would be getting pics and stinking cute. for the record, i swear i would not take her out dressed like this}

so, why will she mash and play and smile and NOT eat. silly kid. a good question for occupational therapy this week.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Lindsay said…
Very interesting...and very cute - even WITH the shirt :-)Silly girl.
Anonymous said…
She's still so very cute.
melanie, aka Mo said…
hey there. So first, LOVE your blog design! I am so out of the loop on bloggy cuteness, and need to jump onboard! Next... I scrolled down and saw you've used the Canon Rebel and now the Canon 50D. Can you give me the biggies as far as difference? I think I am getting a new one. The ol' Rebel is in need of a replacement. I'd appreciate a little advice. Thanks. Melanie
She's having a ball with the banana. She may not be interested in eating it but at least she's willing to squish it and have some fun!
Abby said…
Can I tell you at a MOPs meeting I went to we had a speech therapist come in and spoke about picky eaters. She said one of the things you can do for kids that absolutely refuse to eat a food is just what Sophie is doing let them play with it touch it. It will familiarize them with the food and not make it seem so unknown. She said introduce it a couple more thing you know they will be giving it a try!
Tara Bennett said…
I so have that stuck in my head now! What a cutie. Chloe loves bananas too (for eating and sensory play).
He & Me + 3 said…
I have those same texture issues...maybe mashing the banana is a step in the right direction. You never know. She is so sweet:)
Anonymous said…
So cute!

Love that she was singing It's Bananas! Ha!
Melissa said…
bananas are the best. Messier is best...ier!! She is still cute even with the,ahem, sweater.(which I didn't think looked that bad at all.)
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh this is SO funny! She is adorable. I think she looks cute in those pants. I want a baby girl. ASAP : ).
3 Bay B Chicks said…
At what age do kids figure out that it is sometimes better and more satisfying to eat their food, rather than to wear it? I am still awaiting this great day in my house.


PS: Lovely pictures!
She would get along wonderfully with my husband. He can't eat anything with "odd" texture, he claims. Among his "odd textures"?
Any fruit or vegetable.
French fries are okay though!
Carrie said…
Midget loves bananas and would eat them 24/7 if I let her. She gets all excited when she sees me coming to her with one!

Maybe she'll accidentally get some in her mouth the next time she plays with one!

What's wrong with the outfit??
Unknown said…
it does serve you right!!! all the others are so NOT picky!!! then there's my jack...
Jen said…
no matter what that girl wears she is SUPER cute. And can you blame her, bananas are just fun to mush up.
Hccm said…
That is the cutest picture ever! Her shirt is cute, you should see my shirt.

Hugs and Mocha
CC said…
Darn she's cute! I have oral sensory issues too. ;)
Unknown said…
I love the pictures.
Jenni said…
She's a smart girl! I have consistency issues, too!
CaraBee said…
We're fighting food issues around here too. Frustration, thy name is Cara.
Farrah said…
I think squishing a banana in your fingers is very liberating, empowering almost. I can see why she wouldn't want to eat that, though. And it has nothing to do with your floor or her clothes (which, BTW, are fine!). :)
Rebekah said…
I think she needs some peanut butter with that banana
Michelle said…
she is stinkin' cute! Isn't that a good start though - to touch and play and mash the banana...and then maybe that will lead to eventually tasting it?

I did get your email - thank you! I haven't had a chance to reply yet, just wanted to let you know I wasn't ignoring you :) Sometimes it takes me days to reply to an email - ugh if only there were more hours in a day!

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