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taking control...

this last week, hubs was out of the country traveling on business. 2 of the 4 girls got very sick...andi had no sleep for 3 days...
b had a high fever that just wouldn't break and at one point, i got worried...103 and not going down, but i did it.

i called my mom and dad.

i am a LESS THAN 40 year old woman...who still desperately seeks the advice and love from her parents...and it's beccause they are so stinking incredible that i can do that at 1am. i just wanted advice...but when the phone hung up, my mom was in the car, on the way over to help me out regardless of my many attempts to tell her i had things handled just fine.
and when she got exhausted from the little sleep, my daddy came {without me even asking or knowing he was coming} and spent the entire afternoon and evening with the girls who were sick so i could still be a mommy to the ones who weren't...there were bball games and doctors appointments and get the idea.
{did i mention that my 'rents were in the middle of a wallpaper tearing down/kitchen painting session that was untouched for me?}

so, thanks to mom and dad, the household stayed upright and stable...and i didn't lose my mind. and in the midst of it all, my mom says, 'this isn't work...i love feeding my baby and playing with my grandbabies'. later, dad told me, 'i loved every second of it. i got to hold sofie all day and that just doesn't happen.'

way to take a hard, exhausting few days and see the blessing that came out of it.

did i mention i have fab parents...and that i can't express my love enough for them! they have always shown me "others first"...this pic is from my little bro's adoption day...see what i mean?!
{and be totally jealous of my dorothy hammill/bowl cut}

Micah 6:8 (The Message)

But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don't take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.


Tara Bennett said…
Yes, sleep is the forgotten food group. Your body NEEDS it.

Love the scripture!
Mommynightowl said…
You have wonderful parents. It's great that you have the support when you need it.
Unknown said…
you have wonderful parents!!! im so glad to hear you had them to call on with so many sick babies@!!! hope you are okay and that the bad germies are all gone away now!!!
Mary-Catherine said…
So sweet! I hope that your babies feel better soon and you can catch up on some Z's...It's hard enough being alone with one, I can't imagine have four little ones on my own! I'll say a prayer for you and yours :) beautiful blog, by the way.
Karen said…
It's so nice to have family close enough to do that. Willing family, that is.
Cammie said…
That is so so awesome! I think I love your parents!
He & Me + 3 said…
What a blessing you have. I know that my Mom would do the exact same thing. We are blessed. I too had the Dorothy cut. Gotta love it:)
Jess said…
You are so blessed to have such WONDERFUL parents!
(But you already knew that) :)
Rebekah said…
how wonderful your parents are! My mom is 4 hours away so I'm not so lucky as you.
Rune said…
It seems like you have wonderful parents. :)

brionyskerjance said…
Wow what a blessing to have such great parents and to have them so close. I think mommas and poppas are always gonna be the go-to people for advice, doesn't matter how old you are :)
Rachel Ann said…
Thank you for stopping by on my SITS day last week...I appreciate all the bloggy love!

So sorry to hear that you had sick babies...great parents to come help you out!

I love my HOKEY POKEY sign...I took a picture of it at Bubba Gump's...I need to get my own though.
Anonymous said…
What great parents you have !!! Hope the girls are feeling better~
Unknown said…
d, that's amazing! makes me jealous of not living near ANYONE! really amazing. love them like they're my own.
Jen said…
I had no idea that your girls were sick too. I hope they are getting better.
But I so know what you are saying in this post. I have the same thing with my parents and my sister. They just seem to know when I need help and just can't do it any more. Maybe its an hour here or a night out there but just knowing that they are there and that they LOVE being with the kids, eases my mind and makes things all better.
Pam said…
I totally know what you mean! Your parents and mine sound very much alike!! Blessings you can't even put words to sometimes!! You did a very good job of it here though! So glad you survived!
Lindsay said…
Your parents rock! Seriously - I think it would be like pulling teeth to get mine around SICK kids...
Carrie said…
Oh, you are SO lucky! I wish I had family nearby. Now I'm going to skulk for a while...
RandomWonders said…
It is SUCH a major blessing to have such wonderful parents who are willing to drop everything and help in a moments notice! My wish for the world would be that every child had such love in their lives.

PS I think you are amazing and the Lord has been using you for some incredible work of spreading absolute love!

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