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not me monday

here are a few things that i totally DID NOT do this last week...

i DID NOT buy 6 candy bars at the pharmacy when i went ot get the kids prescriptions filled because i knew ryan would be traveling the whole week and i would NOT need a little pick me up every now and then.

i DID NOT feed my kids "alphabet rings", cucumbers, cheese and a cupcake for dinner and call it healthy one night while i ate nothing but did get a fabulous diet coke!

jada DID NOT say to me in the preschool drop off line: "when little girls sneak and get in the pantry and eat food that they are not allowed to eat, mommy's and daddy's get angry, Jesus cries and santa is always watching."

we DID NOT have our friends over on saturday evening and end up doing a marathon wii sports fitness age contest.

i DID NOT eat mexican food two nights in a row.

ryan DID NOT have his "meet and talk" with paige's boyfriend. and hubs DID NOT go in the garage to pray first...almost having a panic attack. and hubs DID NOT tell paige that he was proud of her later after the chaos was settled. {tear}

i DID NOT get a stinking groove on with my new bloggy gig over at project{create a home} this last week.i DID NOT get a hooray shout out when the ortho called and said paige's shoulder was just sprained and not torn as he originally thought! praise god!

join in the fun and feel better about yourself...i mean, see what others DID NOT do either!


Unknown said…
i did not bake a batch of chocolate chip walnut cookies and hide them from everyone else.

i did not tell anyone who asked why the house smelled like cookies that i made dog cookies.

i did not make dog cookies :D.
Jen's Farmily said…
I did not eat 5 rolls when we went out to eat on Saturday.

Yes 5.

Don't judge.
Cammie said…
that is SO cute about your hubby.....
Karen said…
Gah - meeting and talking to boyfriends sends me into a tizzy just thinking about it.
GypsiAdventure said…
Oh it sounds like you had a nice weekend when R got back...yay! And the girls..they totally crack me up sometimes. I'm so happy Paige's shoulder is not bad...I hope you have a wonderful week!
Unknown said…
hurray for paigers!!!! i can not believe jada said all that!!! well...yes i can! xoxo
MuseSwings said…
I DID NOT stay in my jammies until 10:45 today just because I can!
Was Jada feeling guilty about something ;p Love your list!
brionyskerjance said…
hahahah i love the healthy dinner!
Melissa said…
girl, you are too funny! Loved Jada's comment in her preschool line. I did NOT tell my daughter there was no chocolate cake left last night b/c I wanted the last piece;o)
Ohilda said…
OK! I was literally cracking up!! I thought I was the only one that said that Jesus cries when the misbehave along with Santa watching! TOO FUNNY!!!

And about dinner? Ummm...cucumbers and cheese are healthy. :)

Loved your Not Me's!

Jen said…
I may need to do this again b/c I have some confessions to make. I am totally cracking up at what Jada said. LOL!
lori said…
only 6 candy bars....
won't you need some for the SUPERBOWL??
He & Me + 3 said…
Those were great. Totally with you on the candy bars, as I chow down on some oreos. LOL
Boyfriend meetings with dads...oh so fun.
Lorina said…
Jada must be a kick! Haha.. that is just too funny.
Kimmy said…
These were great! Love the cupcakes too!! I made (whoops..I did not make) cupcakes this week also! YUM!

I'm soooo not looking forward to the day my daughter dates.
Sarah Suzy said…
cupcakes for dinner sounds good to me! Happy Not Me Monday!
Unknown said…
I do NOT keep Dove ice cream hidden in the back of my freezer for when I REALLY need it. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, come back soon! and Welcome to Project Create a Home!
Kacey said…
Um, got any cupcakes left? YUM! Glad the meet & greet with the good ole boyfriend went well. Just the thought makes my palms sweat and RuRu is only a year old! LOL
Jenni said…
Mmmmm....cupcakes and candybars? Can I come over?
Melissa said…
I left you an award on my blog.
Just some bloggy love. Check it out when you get the chance
That dinner sounds close enough to healthy to me!
auntie said…
i'm coming to your house for dinner the next time cupcakes are on the menu! yum!! how precious that your husband prayed before meeting with the boyfriend - what a blessing to have such a wonderful husband and father in your life!

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