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i am in a vintage mood, so feel lucky...

this is my little brother, matthew. isn't he just darling. we only had him on earth for a little less than 4 years. he's one of those kiddos that are sent here for just a short period of time to bless a few folks along the way...

my mom had this picture taken when my dad was out to sea..thus, the sailor suits...and note my awesome whistle too. accessories!! i don't remember too many details about matt not being anything but fun and my little bro. i never knew until i was older that matt had cp {cerebral palsy} and 16 other major birth defects.

i do remember screaming at people who would stare at him. {shocking i know}. i also remember swinging his swing as high as it would go and mom almost having a panic attack when she saw me doing it. he liked it...he was laughing really hard!!

so today, for no really good reason, i am honoring my litle bro, matt. he's so darling. he's got my daddy's ears and my mommy's button nose...and his face just brings joy to my heart. and if he were still here, he would be 38, which blows my mind...what makes me super joyful is that one day i will reunite with him in heaven. praise the lord.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Shelley said…
What a beautiful story. Good memories and knowing that you'll see him again.
What is cp?
lmt1073 said…
What a beautiful story and thanks for sharing your darling little brother with the rest of us!
GypsiAdventure said…
awe...that brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful story and little boy, so precious!
Unknown said…
Isn't it the most wonderful thing to know that we have eternal life in Christ, and we're only temporarily separated from our loved ones?
Beautiful post
What a wonderful tribute to your little brother.
Anonymous said…
He's sweet. Lovely post. Lovely tribute.
Meredith said…
So beautiful. First tears of the days...
Elizabeth said…
What a wonderful tribute. Isn't it a blessing to know we will be reunited one day.
He & Me + 3 said…
Those were great memories and awesome photos. Thank you for sharing. Him and I were born the same year. What a day that will be when you see him again:)
Thank you for sharing...this warmed my heart today. My favorite was the last picture. ;)
CntryMomma said…
Very touching entry. ;o)

Mandy said…
Very sweet.
That was heartfelt and precious. Matty had kissable cheeks that I'm sure got pinched often.

Thank you for sharing your tribute.
Kacey said…
What a nice way to honor your bro today. Precious pictures of precious people. :D
Jen's Farmily said…
Hearing stories like this always reminds me of the saying that "some people pass through our lives quickly, others leave footprints on our heart forever." (or something like that)
Carrie said…
Oh how sweet! Your bro is up in Heaven, rejoicing with the Lord!

I didn't know you were a Navy brat!
Chris said…
Very nice!
I have an older brother that we lost in 1975, I intend to do a lot of catching up -- in another 60 years or so.
Michelle said…
What a beautiful story. It sounds like even in his short life he had a big impact on your life. :)
Mammatalk said…
What a sweet story.
Anonymous said…
You just brought tears to my eyes! And you will meet again in heaven!
Farrah said…
I love the mental picture of you pushing him on the swing and your mom worrying but him laughing! How funny that this has come up for both of us today. The hole never really goes away.
Thanks for sharing and for the great pictures!! I heard an interesting sermon about heaven once, that when we are reunited with our loved ones, the time lost will be restored and we will have renewed minds full of memories. Like we were never apart. I cling to that sometimes, that my son and I will know each other, I mean really know each other, when we see each other again.
You have such a beautiful family- I love the sledding pics too!
Blessings to you!
Frizzy said…
What a beautiful tribute to your brother. My daughter would be doing the exact same thing with a younger sibling in any swing. She does this with her baby dolls and just doesn't understand when I pretend her babies are scared.
Jen said…
what a great tribute and a very cute little brother.
Tabitha Blue said…
So sweet!! What a beautiful way to honor him!!!!

great tribute! sweet story. Did you notice, that he is holding his hand in a folded manner in each shot?
Megan said…
SO. SWEET. Love it! =)
Kristin said…
The fun you two will have in heaven. Thanks for this post. I needed it.
Lindsay said…
Such awesome, precious memories you have of your brother - it's amazing how intuitive little kids are (you yelling at others) isn't it? Love it.
Aunt Spicy said…
That is really such a sweet, beautiful post. Thank you for sharing that!

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