i hate my chin.
ok, so i love the picture of me and sofie, but i almost deleted it and refused to post because my chin! so here's what i'm doing. i'm taking a step forward in the "my husband thinks i'm hot and i should too" moment. i'm posting the picture...
i really am struggling with this whole "almost 40 year old, post 4 kid, worn out body". i don't look the way i use to, and that's hard for me to swallow. now, seriously, i have never been a supermodel or even gorgeous, but i looked better, at least in my eyes. two c-sections later, my mid section has a sausage roll that can't go away...and my poor little eyes just can't see past my double chin and sausage roll.
i'm working on it, i promise. i don't want my girlies to hear my struggles and deal with the same thing when they are older. paige said the other day, "mom, you are beautiful. shut up about the way you look."
that was a wake up call.
so, i'm posting the picture...and trying really hard to remember that "i'm hot". it's hard...i have to admit. do you have this struggle? am i alone?

so i am reminded in proverbs 31 of the woman i am to be...gorgeous and skinny aren't listed. so why is it such a big deal to me?
if god made me in his image, am i not telling him he did a bad job by constantly thinking i look bad? my heart sinks thinking that my words are more than words...so i'm turning a new leaf. i'm going to see myself as a daughter of god first and a humanly body second.
I struggle with my legs. Picture a Flamingo or an Ostrich...and you have my legs. Bulgy, over-sized knees and all. It's quite comical and a big joke in my family, I laugh it off but gee whiz sometimes all I want to do is put on a pair of shorts without somebody making bird noises...I wear pants lots of pants lol.
I honored you with a bloggy award...you can check my page to see it :)
Hugs and Mocha,
You do look great!
You look great...love your hair too.
I know what you mean about struggling with body image after 4 kids and 40+ years of life. But, our bodies are temples of God, and he doesn't reside in ugliness, He makes his home in beautiful children of His.
I myself have trouble with my legs...or should I say thighs I am definitely pear shaped, sometimes I embrace it and sometimes I whine and wear sweats everywhere haha. We all have our moments.
You my dear are fearfully and wonderfully made, look up Psalm 139:14 when you need the reminder, thats what I do :)
Still praying...
Thank God for husbands that remind us that we are hot!
You look great!
It wasn't perfect but it was better than what I have now. I would kill to have that pre-kid body back.
But the other day, Jeff said something to me that really stuck in my mind. We were at a kindergarten parents meeting and he was board so he admitted to checking out all the other mom's in the room. He told me that hands down, I was the Hot Mommy in the room.
So my kids love me, my husband loves me and thinks I am hot and so I am going to think I am too.
I am not ready to totally embrace the 'sausage roll' but like you said, I am no longer going to complain about it especially in front of the kids. I want my kids to have a good and healthy self imagine and that is going to start with me.
You are doing the right thing. And I applaud you for it.
We just talked about this very thing two weeks ago in my Mom's group at church.
Trust me, I always have to remind myself that our Heavenly body is what matters, not our body here on Earth. We are just here to prepare!!
You are gorgeous woman! I wouldn't change one single thing about you!
I've been WORKING hard on speaking the LOVE to myself...you know my husband gently :) reminds me every time I say something about myself that I'm CRITICIZING GOD...yep, gets me every time!
and you really are beautiful in that pic...embrace that!:)and WE are so much more than a size or a chin;) THANKS for speaking for SO many of us...well, at least for me!
didn't you hear 40 is the new 30? You got it goin' on!
Big hugs.
Will we ever realize that we're perfectly made in God's eyes?
By the way, you're gorgeous and have a beautiful smile!
And I don't know ONE single woman who doesn't hate something about the way she looks...
We are ALL so hard on ourselves!
You really don't want your girls to hear that too, they're like little tape recorders!!!
But, for the record, I didn't notice your chin until you pointed it out and I MEAN THAT!
Some days I do have to remind myself to be confident in my body- not just for me, but for my girls. (Hubs likes it when I am confident as well)
Pray for me to be the PRoverbs 31 mindset as well.
PS you are BEAUTIFUL! And you seem to have a heart to match!
Just means we can try harder to change the way we see ourselves.
You are and we all are daughters of God and he loves us just the way he created us. And since your husband thinks you're HAWT, that's all that matters, right?
You ARE HAWT and Beautiful anyway, no matter what you think! ;0P