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reality resolutions, WW

i'm a SAHM...i have 4 kids and a hub, so seriously, making standard resolutions for the new year just aren't feasible. instead, i am making "reality resolutions" this year.

i will shower before 2 pm, 4 out of 7 days each week.

i will continue to praise god for the health and joy of my family...remembering that in late 2007 and into 2008 i was pre-eclamptic, on bed rest, diabetic, hypertensive, hospitalized a number of times, and uncertain of the health of sofie and myself.

i will get at least one real picture of paige every month, without her hands in front of her face.

i will eat something before 1 pm, 3 out of 7 days each week....that is not chocolate.
{espresso beans will not count}

i will wear real clothes and not jammie pants 4 out of 7 days a week during the day. nighttime is a free-for-all and off limits.

i will show up to high school service/my hs small group on time 80% of the time...but i will have coffee in hand...and i will drink it in front of everyone. :)

i will not laugh out loud when my kids fall and they are not hurt...most of the time.

i will work out when i feel like it.

i will complain incessantly that i don't have time to workout.

i will love my husband more each day and see the blessing and strength he brings to me in spite of his spoon-clicking, cereal eating ways.

when i feel the need to get really angry at something my kiddos have done or said, i will remember that it is blog worthy and smile.

i will continue to appreciate and forgive others, and myself!

happy new years resolutions to you!
oh, make this one...join angie in wordful wednesday's!


Tori said…
This post totally made me smile. What a great way to think about it..."reality" is what I'm going for too.

You and your hubs make a beautiful couple!
Love it! I love reality resolutions. My only resolution this year is to get to work on time! That's a challenge for me. I'm lucky they're not really strict.
But seriously....real clothes instead of PJ's? Highly overrated.
Love it! I love reality resolutions. My only resolution this year is to get to work on time! That's a challenge for me. I'm lucky they're not really strict.
But seriously....real clothes instead of PJ's? Highly overrated.
Unknown said…
what a great post! happy 2009!
Rebekah said…
I'm not a big resolution type person- but this year I have set 'goals' for myself.

Hope you do well with your 'goals' ;)
angi_b72 said…
Waht a great post!! Have a great new year!!
He & Me + 3 said…
I don't really make resolutions, but yours sound good to me...since I am in the same SAHM boat:)
Pam said…
I think these are great resolutions... if I made a list it would be quite similar! Too Fun! Add to that... I will meet my cyber-friend Pam, IRL this year, for coffee and something very chocolaty!!
Becky W said…
Great post - I could say the same thing about mine!
Hootin Anni said…
LOL....had to laugh at the last ...well, near the last comment from you about the spoon clicking cereal eating ways. I got one of them too. LOL

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO Wordful is posted, and I'm dreaming of flying high into the sky today. Hope you can come join me!
GypsiAdventure said…
Yes, always remember that it is blog worthy...that makes my days a little brighter when the kids act a crazy mess and I want to disown them! :) haha

Wishing you a wonderful 2009!
lori said…
I'm just getting back around today and I have to say YOU get the award for "I have to call the people in to see this!" I'm dying over the tree...that is hysterical! I'd have LOVED to seen the faces of everyone who entered....that's just classic!:)

Your resolutions are fabulous and I agree with 3 kids, a hub and REAL LIFE...the resolutions MUST be REAL!!

Happy 2009!!
peace and JOY!
Kacey said…
Very realistic my dear! Love it!

And yeah - what is it with the spoon clicking? I mean, is the cereal THAT GOOD that they want to eat the spoon too and scrape their teeth off?! UGH! It makes me crazy! LOL Ok, sorry, I'm not being supportive of your change just adding fuel to your fire. My bad. Good luck with the clicking, just know I have your back. ;>)
Elizabeth said…
What great resolutions.
Leslee P said…
love your resolutions... I need some real resolutions myself... Happy New Year!
Great post!

Thanks for telling me about my win on SITS..I was just there this morning and didn't see it!!! fun!!!
-sandy toes
p.s. Happy New Year!
Jenni said…
These are all wonderful resolutions!!! Happy New year!!!
Anonymous said…
Hooray for reality resolutions!
Cupcake Dessert said…
I love it!! Resolutions that are actually attainable!!!!!
Rebecca Jo said…
Love the Reality of it all!!! But come on... I'd TOTALLY laugh if one of the kids fell & they were OK - there's nothing like a good fall!!!!

Happy New Year!
Michelle said…
LOL! Love you reality resolutions.

Happy New Year!
Megan said…
Fantabulous resolutions! =D

Happy New Year to your and your family!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Hah! Now those are the BEST resolutions I have heard this year!
Becky said…
I love those resolutions and I may have to steal a few for myself. Sad that I have only 1 kid and work at home and still can't get out of my pajamas by 1 pm. Happy New Year!
jenn said…
I love your reality resolutions. If I didn't have to work, I don't think I would ever get out of my pjs.
Rachel said…
what do you mean "not chocolate"? chocolate totally counts as breakfast!
MuseSwings said…
See? You ARE perfect! I'll have to copy some of those down. I plan to get more organized, but I haven't organized any resolutions. Do I really need some - or can I be excused this year?
Unknown said…
Those are perfect. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Meredith said…
Happy New Year my new sweet friend!! Love your resolutions. Love the picture of you and your hubby at the bottom. You guys are beautiful!
MaricrisG said…
such sweet and realistic resolutions. We do have a lot to be thankful of, don't we? Happy New year!
Amarie said…
Have a WONDERFUL New Year!
Jen said…
now those are some resolutions that I can get on board with. I really hope you can keep them.
Happy New Year.
I love those! Working on something similar!
Karen said…
Maybe I'll adopt your resolutions. Those are good ones, to be sure. May your new year be fabulous!
Susan said…
Great ones! I can totally relate to almost of all of those. Especially the showering and pajama pant wearing :)))
I can get on board with those resolutions. I like your style!

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