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go to eatin' fun...

u gotta have some crayons...

and a little attitude amongst the smiles...
{{jada is in this phase right now...i think it's cute}}

...and a few freaky, but oh so real, faces
{{do u think brooke could look a little more crazied?? that's her new smile. what in the world??}}

...followed by a trip to BABW, where the clothes fit sofie!
{{have i mentioned how much i love brit, b's bmom?? she absolutely rocks the planet!}}

that's a fun fam night with our clan...we don't eat out that's a huge treat! and we NEVER go to the mall, so the kids were in heaven.
and the adults, we just have fun walking around with the kids...and fighting the crowds and finding parking and having strangers try and touch my baby...grrr!
it's fun, in spite of all the booooo stuff!!

merry christmas eve...tuck in early because you know santa is coming to town! {{brooke said to me, what? i thought he was coming to my house...not to town. darn it!}}

join in the fun...wordful wednesday is awesome!


He & Me + 3 said…
You always have the best pictures. I can't believe that I am your first comment too. Yeah! Sounds like a fun time. Lovin the new smile too! :)
angi_b72 said…
Love your pics!! So much fun!!
Pam said…
So much fun!! What great pictures (I NEED LESSONS ON MY NEW CAMERA!!!) and what a great time! (always helps to have plenty of adults!!) oh, and I know all about the people touching!! I can't wait until I can post pictures of K (hopefully today!!) in her outfit on Sunday, I think it may have drawn the most attention yet!! (what to do? what to do???)

have a blessed day!!!
Pam said…
So much fun!! What great pictures (I NEED LESSONS ON MY NEW CAMERA!!!) and what a great time! (always helps to have plenty of adults!!) oh, and I know all about the people touching!! I can't wait until I can post pictures of K (hopefully today!!) in her outfit on Sunday, I think it may have drawn the most attention yet!! (what to do? what to do???)

have a blessed day!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Christmas Eve..
Kacey said…
So much fun! Brooke's new smile cracks me up! And I hope she doesn't mind if Santa swings by my place after her house and town {of course}. I wish you guys the best Christmas ever! You certainly deserve it! Can't wait for Santa!!!
Mummy Butterfly said…
it's crazy how Brit could pass for your daughter !!! I think that she look like you :)

Have a merry Xmas

From the Braddon's (Sonia, Matthew and Angelina)
Jenni said…
Great pictures!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
ASHLEY said…
Meredith said…
Giggles from me... Love all the pictures. Looks like you guys had a great time despite the baby touching, parking space finding, crowd fighting trip to the mall.

Brooke's new smile is priceless!! She'll love that when she gets older!
Megan said…
heehee Love it!

Merry Christmas!!
Kimmy said…
That is adorable!! I just love Build-A-Bear!!!

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!!!!
Jen said…
what a lovely way to spend the evening.
debi9kids said…
Love all these fantastic pictures of your beautiful family!

Have a very blessed Christmas!
CntryMomma said…
You are SO BRAVE to go to the mall on Christmas Eve! hehe

Have a blessed MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said…
Great pictures! And your blog is adorable! I will have to stop back later to see more. :)
MaricrisG said…
Cute Pictures indeed. I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Enjoy the Holidays!
Totally adorable! Happy Holidays!
Carrie said…
Merry Christmas, my dear friend!
tiarastantrums said…
GREAT photos!!
Karen said…
Merry Christmas to your wonderful family!
Africa Girl said…
Sorry that you hate me for being in the warm. But, I will come back to Indiana and be frozen!! i'm not excited...going from 85 degree weather to 22 degree weather is not my favorite thing to do. burr!!

And, what are you talking about giraffes?! They are so cool...And, I get to feed them in a few days :) But, a sea cucumber...those are really interesting. We got to hold one at the beach the other day. It is just a blob with two ends...We think that God was at the end of making animals and was out of eyes and ears and noses, but had 2 ends left. haha I got pics..don't worry :)

Merry Christmas!!

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