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faith and girls

it's a first for me...a giveaway!
having 4 girls is well, hard sometimes.  the world sends them all kinds of mixed signals and that makes our job as parents and mentors for girls much harder.  along comes precious moments, and boom, there is a new club just for girls called the precious girls club

this place is amazing!!!  not only is an online club {{like webkinz}}, but our girls are learning about core values and faith in all they do.  PGC is meant to different and refreshing--a place that encourages girls to be girls.  the girls get to create their our character...and they have like 10 skin colors!!!!!!!!  can you even believe it???
the parents section rocks my stinking face off.  there are pdf's to
 download for incentives for your daughter to earn more charms. {{one for instance is a helping hands charm.  there are 4 things that your daughter must do to earn the charm (help a younger child with their ABC's, ask mom each morning what can i do today to help, etc.)...see this is ringing loud in your ears isn't it? }} it's fantastic!  she plays games, you keep up and help teach life lessons along the way.  then, you get on your parent site and award the charm to your daughter.  how stinking fab is that?  i am in PGC love!!!

so, because the site is so stinking awesome, every girl always gets on for free, no strings attached!  but since you came by here (fabulous)  you each get a free month of premium membership to precious girls club online by simply entering this 
code: 8137-KTQ1-NZCG.

and that's not even the giveaway!  i know.  SHUT. UP.
here are the goodies on the block girls:

silver charm bracelet with two charms

a full size bag pack, draw string and sparkly

two fab books called, "a little bit of faith", one for your sweetie and one for her bff

ok, i'm all about simple. comment me some love and you're in the drawing
i'll post the winner on saturday!  just in time for christmas gifts!

i have some precious girls...don't you???
{{u have to watch this...i don't know where jada learned to dance like that, i swear!  it's reminiscent of the little sister on mean girls. yikes!}}


Lil Boo & Co. said…
My daughter would LOVE LOVE LOVE this PGC package!! And it's so cool that it helps reinforce their faith...awesome! Thanks for the great review!!! Count me in on this great giveaway! And CONGRATS on your first giveaway!!! Woo HOO!!
Lil Boo & Co. said…
That video is too funny!! Cute!!
Lil Boo & Co. said…
I follow your blog and LOVE it!!!
Hannah said…
Awwww how cute is this!!!

And I bet I know who taught her that... KRYSTAL! ha
Lea said…
I just began reading your blog a few days ago and love how you interact with your girls and how they lovingly interact with each other. I have one girl (and 2 boys) and the difference in them in astounding. I LOVE all three of my kids, but love having a girl!

My daughter would love the PGC gifts and I intend on signing her up for the site, thank you for sharing that!
That site sounds awesome! We will definitely be checking it out ASAP.
Becky W said…
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! We are so all over this! Thanks for the information. We are getting on this afternoon!
He & Me + 3 said…
My girls would love this too. Thanks for the info.
angi_b72 said…
Oh my little drama queen would so love this!! She loves her Webkinz!!! ok I have to admit, I was sort of addicted to teh lil' webkinz too when we first got them!
angi_b72 said…
Oh my little drama queen would so love this!! She loves her Webkinz!!! ok I have to admit, I was sort of addicted to teh lil' webkinz too when we first got them!
angi_b72 said…
Oh my little drama queen would so love this!! She loves her Webkinz!!! ok I have to admit, I was sort of addicted to teh lil' webkinz too when we first got them!
angi_b72 said…
Oh my little drama queen would so love this!! She loves her Webkinz!!! ok I have to admit, I was sort of addicted to teh lil' webkinz too when we first got them!
Pam said…
This awesome!! I will definately be showing Leah this site!! Thanks for the contest and the info!!!! WHOO HOO!!
Cammie said…
so very cute!
Adelaine said…
My daughter would LOVE this! I will have to get on the site with her after school - thanks for the info!!
Lorina said…
I have thought about this club.. looks like fun! I need to look more into it, I guess.

Oh.. I love that video.. too cute.
Ashley said…
Great giveaway! Don't enter me (or let me win if you're doing a random number thingy) because I don't have any little ones to pass it on to... but I had to comment on that dancing! Look at Jada go! She's got some serious hip action!!!!
Unknown said…
That video is TOO cute! This is such a great giveaway. I have a little girl in my life who'd absolutely love it!
Jen said…
Oh how I love that little girl dancing. She just warmed my heart.
What an aweseome giveaway. You know that you totally ROCK, right?
GypsiAdventure said…
Oh that's daughter would totally love that...I'll have to check it out!
Katie said…
What an awesome idea! I don't have girls, but I'm glad something like that is around for those that do!! That dancing was too cute--you better watch that one! :)

Thanks for visiting me! :)
Kimmy said…
OMG!!!! I totally LOVE this!!!! I'm so worried about my daughter in this world today and this is something that I want to gear her towards!!! FABULOUS!!!!! Just love it!! I WILL check it out.....and hope to win the drawing!!!! ;o)
~pen~ said…
That is so what my daughter needs. You are so nice to even post this for everyone to get the premium membership! Thank you and my girls will thank you too. :)Love the x-mas songs too... :)
Carrie said…
Cool giveaway!

And Jada shore can dance!
Anonymous said…
what a great giveaway! thanks for posting!
Meredith said…
LOVE Jada's dancing!!! That's awesome!!!

LOVE your give-a-way...

Hey, and too bad my hubby's not here to take a pic, I actually washed and did my hair today... well before Christmas Eve!
Kristin said…
All boys at this house but what a great website. PS that girl has got some moves.
Anonymous said…
Thanx for stopping by and leaving a comment... We LOVE comments and a lot of our readers are not bloggers and don't know how to leave comments.:-P

I love your header. Very cute!
Lori said…
I was above you at SITS today :)
My daughter would love these prizes!! :)
ASHLEY said…
THE Stephanie said…
OMG that is so great!!! My girl loves to go to these sites and do stuff like this! I'm all over it!!!
Clippergirl56 said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am going to have to feature this post on my blog. It is sooo important for girls to have good values and to have good role models. Today's celebs sure aren't the role models. I have many friends with girls that will love the Precious Girls Club.
liannecoleman said…
Thanks for the info. I am a mommy of 2 girls and auntie to 6 girls so we will be checking this out ASAP!!!
CC said…
Uh huh! Go girl!

I think my daughter is still too young, but we could save it for later, right?
maryanne420 said…
okay, i just left you a comment on my blog's comment section! how did i not see your blog before? when you first visited mine, i attempted to leave a comment back but i wasn't allowed to. wow! you have a beautiful family. your girls are just gorgeous. i will definitely be adding you to my blog list to follow.
Megan said…
OMGoodness!! Hahhahaaha The dancing is stinkin hilarious!!

Very cool thing for mom's and daughters!!
Rebecca Jo said…
What a great idea someone came up creating that!!! Little girls need to start out earlier & earlier building their faith!
Meredith said…
Giving you some more blogger lovin'... come take a look see
Unknown said…
that is awesome! 'nough said
Eryn said…
Oh, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog...isn't that baby doll just the cutest thing EVER? We have a blahblah coco too, for someday, there just aren't very many cool babes out there for a chocolate girl! :)
Unknown said…
How funny! I just posted my first give-away too!

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