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thankful day

happy i'm just doing the "scheduled post" thing today, because, seriously, eating food is way more important than blogging one day a year!!

a few (not so ordinary) things i'm thankful for no particular order, btw:

faith and example from my elders
{this is grandma e's}

the beach...aaahhhhh

yes, my beans of

the crew...had to throw one given in here!

my kids art (and scanners)...this is from paige in 2000 
{she's gonna hate this when she sees it}

cereal...the "oh my we haven't eaten dinner and it's 8 o'clock" food

birth siblings 
{ matter where we live or where we came from}

crayons...hours of enjoyment 
{and the kids like them too}
i love sooooo many things...
and you all are one of them, my bloggy friends!!!

happy thanksgiving!

national adoption awareness month

one of the newer ways that parents are adopting is through embryo adoption.  sometimes the children are referred to as snowflake babies.  with IVF (in vitro fertilization), there are number of embryos that are left frozen and unused.   here's a snippet from bethany's site:

"A trained physician can then thaw a select number of the embryos and transfer them to the womb of the intended mother. If a successful pregnancy and birth results, the son or daughter who is born becomes the legal son or daughter of the couple who gives them birth. Such a couple becomes, in effect, the adoptive parents of the child"

 many couples have chosen embryo adoption...bethany adoption services is a christian adoption agency that is fabulous!  one of the means of adoption that they handle is embryo adoption.  go to their link here and get more information.


ASHLEY said…
happy thanksgiving to you and your, go eat already!!!
Abby said…
Happy Thanksgiving. I myself am here typing between putting in the turkey and the pie. ;)

Enjoy your holiday!
GypsiAdventure said…
Delena said…
Love the Christmas music! Let the season begin (well, okay, offically tomorrow, but whose counting) Thanks for all the adoption info. I appreciate all the snipets.
Melisa S. said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Karen said…
I love your Bible. Love it. Happy Thanksgiving.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Karen said…
Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

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