one of the things that will forever be a legacy in this house is the little "krystal-isms" from our foster daughter krystal. first, krystal is pretty much the only one that thinks ryan's jokes are she laughs, when paige and i stare. years of "a mushroom walks into a bar" can do that to a person. second, her affection for teaching jk fun little (mildly inappropriate) funny sayings that will forever linger. {u may have to mute my fab new music at the bottom...sorry}
national adoption awareness month
each state has it's own set of rules and regulations on adoption...and since we all live in different places, click here to find out the good, the bad and the ugly of your state....just kidding!!
and for those kiddos who are not infants but have did a little time in life, there's the gateway for kids that are adoptable in every state in the union. again, i say, you don't have to adopt one of these kids to make a difference...pray for them. educate yourself about adoption and become and advocate for these kids without a voice. check it out...
I miss you guys =[
Happy Thanksgiving!!