blogalicious is delicious makes my heart go loco!!!
i'm blogalicious!
my blogs stays viscious
i be up in the bloggy staying wit' my fitness
u my witness
i be puttin' my posts up on da block
and ya'll come over just to see what i got
i'm blogalicious!
(idea stolen from the not so nice fergie)
ok. these girls, staci and stephanie are not only talented, but funny and patient!!! if you all are even considering a need for a redesign or a new header, you need to see them...look at them...they are delightfully sweet and too beautiful (i hate them for that...jk).

i was the winner of the SITS blog redesign...and doesnt' it look fab??? so the peeps on the blog are the fam...u got that right?? and we're in a rose bush...pretty fancy huh?? so i'm still rearranging and putting up picks and i'm just so delighted that i want to make it pretty.
thank you so much rock my face off!!!
before you miss out on one of the sweetest girls in the world, head over to vote for Kayla in the Prego food photo contest. Michelle (Big Blueberry Eyes) is her momma and , well, go read, then vote!!!
national adoption awareness month
infertility and adoption is a big thing. any mom who is infertile hears, "just quit thinking about it" or "adopt a child...that will cure it". for those of you that may say those things....DON'T!! first, it's stupid. second, infertility is very difficult and personal...and honestly, none of your business. third, unexplained infertility is just that...unexplained!
here's a stat to throw back...of couples who were infertile prior to adoption, statistics show that 8% become pregnant at a later point...those aren't good numbers. yes, i am aware that i became pregnant after infertility...but, my friends, that was God's plan. i absolutely can notimagine my life without b and jk...and they are part of God's big plan.
so, here's the deal...infertility and adoption. personal. pray for peeps. support peeps. love peeps. listen to peeps. don't judge peeps.
for more info on coping with infertility issues (and people), see fertility

i got some fab bloggy love today from my friend's one of those things that i just shout hooray for!
i was bestowed this award because "she is bringing awareness to adoption, especially this month. She has a gorgeous family. And although we still don't know what our future holds, at least I'm learning something from her."
so, wanna know what the struggles with infertility are? go and visit megan...and give her some love and encouragement...she's darling!!!!
Thankfully, I haven't struggled with infertility, but I have many friends who have and they have been through so much. I battle depression and people tell me to cheer up and get more exercise (hasn't worked for me in 15 years). So I know how hurtful it can be when people don't understand but give advice anyway. I am a real big proponent on NOT saying those insensitive things just because you don't know what to say! I prefer to say "I don't know how you are feeling, and I don't know what to say, but I love you and am here for you".
Anyway, *down from the soap box* I am with ya! You have a beautiful family :) and I really enjoyed your blog and will return :)
Once again (like with adoption), I'm loving your post about infertility.
This was an awesome post as usual. I am going to check Megan out and pass this post on. And BTW, I am so stealing your "rock my face off" line. Because YOU SO ROCK MY FACE OFF!
And you let me know when and where and I'll be by with my ruffled pie plate. :o)
And LOVE the rendition you gave :D
And I am glad that you now know how to schedule a post! It is so fun!
Thank you for posting about our photo contest!! I really appreciate it!
p.s. I'm still pissed you won the blog design! " )
Congrats on your award! Well deserved. I'm really not a stalker ... just trying to catch up on all the adoption info. *wink*