it happened. the question.
"hey mom. can i got to the mall?"
how did that happen? she isn't 4 any more???

it's ok because she went with krystal (our former foster daughter, always daughter) so i knew she was in good hands, but to the MALL!?! what in the world?
now, she's at the mall, eating sbarro's (hysterical btw, that she thought it was new) and shopping and not buying (that's my girl).so on that note...i have to admit that i still kinda look at her and think of that little 4 year old sometimes. i guess that's a momma's way of dealing with the 'beautifulness' of her daughter.

paige, i'm so proud of you. you are first and foremost, a lover of jesus and a woman of grace. you are compassionate, funny, a servant, smart, open, honest, faithful, and so much more. we bond doing the stupid things in life, but you still love it. i pray that as you continue to grow that you be strengthen in God's word...that you continue to hold your purity high and with dignity...that you find love first in God...that you be a light shining bright in a dark world so that others will see the light of Him.
i love you...
i love you...

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
national adoption month
part of the adoption process is getting a home study completed and approved. it is one of the scary things when you've never adopted...once you have, it's just a person who asks standard questions and writes the answers in a report. it's about your life...and they also check out your house to make sure you have no fire arms (if you do, that you have them secure). they also ensure there is proper living space for the child....and food. really, i actually look forward to this part now, because everyone else thinks my house has to be spotless, so i always get a monster house cleaning party from my mom...and that makes me happy.
anyway, to find out more about home studies, check out this site.
if you decide at any point to get a foster care license, you have an annual review and approval that goes much the same. so, remember, get your house cleaned for free once a year...ok, and make a difference in a child's life!!
It's bitter sweet.
Blessings on Miss Paige!
I can't even imagine the day my daughter asks to go to the mall! Eeeeck. :)
Happy Photostory Friday!
Okay, I'm starting to think the Lord guided you to stop by my place so that I would, in turn, stop by your's. You are giving me a wealth of information.
And great HCJr tunes to boot! ;o)