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Not Me Monday

i DID NOT say to hubs, "i am not beautiful. i'm fat. i look terrible. u only like me because u have  no other choice.  u r stuck with me."

i DID NOT eat pizza 3 days this week.  nope.

i DID NOT spend my entire girls clothing budget on one fab piece a girl at the Matilda Jane trunk show.  {so much funnn}

i DID NOT get p's report card showing all A's this week.  what a girl!!!

i DID NOT break away from the house by myself on saturday...and really miss my girls and hubs while i was gone.  sad.

i DID NOT make 7 operation christmas child boxes with my HS small group girls, who are the most flipping amazing girls in the world!  {woo hoo samaritan's purse}

i DID NOT try to talk on the phone 5 times with my friend, karen, since wednesday...and fail to have one single conversation.

i DID NOT get a big bottle of burberry brit from hubs as a little 'you mean the world to me and i think ur wonderful' gift.  {he's soooo good...and a gift like that is soooo not normal}

i DID NOT die laughing when brooke said on the way to church, "this is going to be the most amazing day in my life."

i DID NOT kiss jk at church and get more snot than kiss.   {hello winter. eeewwwww.}

i DID NOT thank God over and over for all my fam and friends and church and home and food and well, everything.  on and on.  i so don't deserve any of it...

i DID NOT get a fresh bouquet of gerber daisy's from hubby on his lunch hour on friday. {i'm telling jealous. should be jealous}

finally...i DID NOT take part in Not Me Monday with McK Momma...with all the cool kids!


national adoption awareness month

myths and realities about of my fav topics and most often asked questions as an adoptive momma.  

myth: birthmothers (or birthparents) can change their minds after the adoption and come and get the child.
reality: once an adoption is finalized (likely 90 days after placement for private) the adoption is irrevokable and permanent.  the adoptive parents are forever the formal parents of the child...the child's name is changed, records are sealed.  even social security numbers are changed at this time.

myth: birthparents are irresponsible, on drugs or just don't care about their kids.  i get the "why would anyone give up such a cute kid" thing all the time {please don't eve say that to anyone, btw}
reality: birthparents make the best decisions for their children based on their life situation when the child is born.  placing a child for adoption is one of the most selfless things a person can ever do for their child, knowing the child's best interest is in mind.

myth: adoption is for rich people.
reality: private (thru an attorney) domestic adoption costs between $10k and $25k.  the us govt provides a $10k of a tax credit to all qualifying fams (the not rich ones) and many employers have adoption assistance programs that pay an additional $5k.

myth: parents don't love their adopted kids the same as their bio kids.
reality: i don't love any of my kids the same way, because they are all different kids. i love certain things about p that b doesn't have, but i love things about b that p doesn't have.  get it?  love is not a blood thing.  you are not related to your husband by blood (or i seriously hope not) so using that stupid logic would mean that you could only love a hubby who is blood related....and will not go there.  reality is that love is love and you love what you fight for...and you love the kids god blesses you with, no matter how they came to you.

myth: adoption is second best.
reality: adoption may be a second choice for some (for many, like us, it's a first choice)...but it is never second best.

we're all adopted as children of god...
"How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son." Ephesians 1:3-6


Lori said…
what a sweet hubby you have
Khadra said…
I tell my husband all the time that he says nice things because he is stuck with me too LOL!
CntryMomma said…
You sound like me on #1. But judging from your pics, you are hardly so. :o)

But what I wanted to say was #1. Thanks for stopping by my place. and #2. THANK YOU for the post on adoption!! I called my hubby right away and read it to him. If you have any helpful sites, please email them to me. TY! Right now, financially, we are not able to but our goal is 2-3 years... probably the time it takes to educated ourselves.

Have a beautiful day!

Stacy said…
You do have a sweet hubby. I love Gerber Daisies!!!
Dee said…
YAY for all as and a sweet hubby!
Melissa said…
LOL. Great post!I'm sure you hubby thinks you're gorgeous and is with you for many,many reasons. BUt I do feel the same way at times. Especially when I'm pmsing.;o) Thanks for stopping by my blog. The party pics were actually my hubby's b-day but the girls helped him blow out his candles :o) I honestly can't remember who won at Texas Hold 'Em but I can tell you who didn't! NOT me!! LOL YOu have a beautiful family.
Melissa said…
p.s And I looooove coffee too!!
Nina said…
Thanks for your comment on my "not me" -- nice to meet you as well. And don't feel bad about the pizza. I ate peach cobbler for 3 days this week!
Kacey said…
Ok seriously, I always start out reading your posts lauging and nodding my head. {So jealous of the perfume & flowers BTW} And then I get to the "Adoption Awareness" info and I fight to hold the tears back. Seriously. What are you doing to me? :o) I think it is because you really speak from your heart. You truly love each of your children and I just love that. I feel so grateful to have my little dumplins as well. I'm glad that you're bringing more attention to and awareness to adoption. I'm learning a lot. Thanks!
Kacey said…
Oh and I DID NOT eat pizza for lunch AND dinner on Saturday. Nope and it WAS NOT one of those awful 99 cent pizzas and I DID NOT finish it. Nope.
JennaDK said…
I also DID NOT eat pizza 2 times this week and once for lunch today! Its just not healthy why would I do such a thing?
Youth Leaders said…
I must say...I am jealous...I love Gerber Daisies.

And, I do agree...I am blessed beyond belief, and I don't say Thank you enough.

And...thanks for the adoption sayings. I have learned somethings. Having another child is on my heart, but not my husband's. I pray that God will change our hearts to be one of the same, our own natural, our own adopted, or just the three that are own now.

Thanks for the post. God Bless!
Frizzy said…
I'm so thankful I was featured on SITS today. I get to meet beautiful people like you. I loved this post and can't believe how much you and I feel the same. If you look through my past posts and read Yaya's Christening story it says the same thing about us being God's adopted children through Salvation. If you look in Sept and read the post Titled Happy Birthday you'll see how we feel about Yaya's birthmom. Life wouldn't be the same w/o her or Yaya that's for sure. I look forward to reading more from you. Thank you again for leaving a comment or two today! I hope you'll be back.
Frizzy said…
Re. your comment on the Festival and Schwetty balls. Too funny! I loved that SNL clip. Cracks me up each time I see it. CLASSIC!
Anonymous said…
I think you totally deserve your husband and should totally forget your fat/ugly hang-ups.
You sound like an absolutely phenomenal lady and mother. I'm so glad visited you blog. Thank you for dropping by and commenting earlier today.
ASHLEY said…
matilda jane is sooo cute! i can't wait to see what you got the girls! text me, and i can look it up!
Naomi said…
yum pizza! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Jen said…
what a great hubby you have. He gets major points.
Mandy said…
I love what Brooke said! Hilarious!
Anonymous said…
Love the Not Me list! Love what your child said on the way to church! And love the cool new blog design!
Ashley said…
loved your not me's! and i love this post on adoption. i was adopted myself so it definitely has a very special place in my heart!
Abby said…
I love that scripture regarding adoption. It is the very scripture that brought it home for me and helped me make the decision that if it is good enough for my Father in heaven it is good enough for me too! Thanks for continuing to get the message out there!
What a great "Not Me", and I love the adoption myth-busters, too. I hope you're feeling better about yourself, I hate those days!
tiarastantrums said…
Love your not me's!!
Loved your entire not me post!
Jaysi said…
Thanks for the adoption myths. My husband and I have thought about adopting for a loooong time. We still think it is in our future (only God knows for sure). I love that your blog has so much great info about adoption. Thanks for sharing!
Michelle said…
Your list cracks me up! You've got a sweet hubby that's for sure!

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