brit never thought one day, "i know, i'll get pregnant really young, have people talk about me and stare at me. oh, and i think i'll just decide to place the first grandchild and my first child for adoption". life happened...and it's really none of your business how that happened either...that's b's story to share if she chooses.
what brit did, was decide upon determining she was pregnant that this life inside of her was a precious human...and she made the most difficult choice a woman could ever have to make. it was a choice...a choice to carry b. a choice to not abort (was never in her mind one time, btw). a choice to look at me and r and p and think, 'that's them. they are the family for me'.
so, when you consider adoption in your every day life, consider that there is a life and a story behind each and every child, sister, mother, cousin, etc. a story that you will never understand and therefore, should never pass should only pass along love.
so spread some love today...promote adoption to others.
read about it. be an advocate for adoption.
do something because silence, my friend, is acceptance.

has a fun little translation needed! ha! and since i'm not even smart enough to know what language this is in, i am stealing what my good friend over at Chronicles of a Mommy, who loving bestowed it upon me, said that it meant. i should check it out...for all i know, it could say, "this is a blog that the writer believes anything she is told as long as its in another language"...that seems unlikely though! it's suppose to say:
"This blog invests and believes in ‘proximity’"
{meaning that blogging makes us 'close' - being close through proxy}
“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! ”

so passing this along is always so hard, so i think i will introduce some of my new, faithful friends to you...please go and visit're gonna love them!
Carrie at "Oikology"...she will make you smile with every post and she has a beaut daughter...and she can cook too! what in the world??
Candy at "everyone has a story to tell. this is ours" is a gorgeous momma and wife and photographer who just did the NYC marathon...and with a smile!
Susan at Fordy days and nights is a darling momma and wife too! she is so uplifting and encouraging. i always feel better when i read her blog...u will too!
Thanks for the bloggy love! I am honored.
thanks for stopping by mine too- oh and BTW, no, sweatshirts will always be causual wear- it was just different to see Mr. JT in them :)
Take good care!
my mom gave birth to me while she was in high school, and then left me for my grandfather to raise and I never saw her much. However, I KNOW that this was the way it WAS SUPPOSED to be. (i was born in 79, and abortion became legal again in 1980 in my birth state)
I know your posts that are written so honestly and openly provide encouragement and comfort to those considering adoption themselves.
You RoCk!
When my daughter's birthmother handed her over to me I think I may have cried more than she did. It is heart wrenching!
It makes me so happy to see you having such a great relationship with all and showing everyone how it is totally okay AND wonderful!
I've only seen my little girl once since she left the hospital, but my parents have seen her several times.
I do e-mail back and forth with her mother. and I send her a birthday present every year.
Anyway- you can read my story it you want. Its in my side bar under No Lightening Bold For Me
i really admire girls who choose to give their babies up for adoption.
and how great that you were able to adopt and give a baby a loving and stable home.