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growling...and WW

my sofie is cracking me up these 10 months she is moving like a jacked up lioness on mountain dew.  she's an absolute riot...such a great combo of all of us!!!  so, she may need therapy later in life for this, but she is growling all the time now...and we can't stop making her do it...and then laughing our butts off.  so instead of a pic today, it's def this video.

(yes, she really is that small...she's a 34 week preemie {3lbs 10oz}.  she's up to 13 lbs and 25 inches, so she's gi-normous to us!)

wordfull wednesday is hosted by angie at 7 clown circus
and you know:  all the cool kids are doing it!!!

november is national adoption awareness month is a great site for information and uplifting in the adoption process.  here's a snippet on how you can help: 

Speak Up for Them

Be an advocate for the waiting children in your community. Talk to family and friends about the waiting children you know. Be their advocate and encourage others to help them as well.

Become a Mentor

Mentoring offers a powerful opportunity to be a Godly role model for a child who needs one. Being a positive influence now can change the course of an orphan’s life forever. You may feel like you don’t have anything to offer, but your consistent presence and encouragement can do more than you realize. To find an mentoring organization in your area, visit


Support Those Caring for Orphans

Mow a foster parent’s yard, offer to baby sit, or organize a few meals for an adoptive family. Throw a shower for a family when a new child comes into their home. Sponsor a child services worker by praying for them, taking them out for an occasional lunch, or sending notes of encouragement.



Local child services, placement agencies, or adoption ministries could all use a few extra hands. Many of them would love help even one day a week. Answering phones, finishing paperwork, or making calls could be the relief they need.


Be a Support Family

Every year, nearly 20,000 teenagers “age out” of the foster care system. Once they reach age 18, the state and foster families are not required to provide any help or services. These kids are, in a sense, kicked out of the system with no support system. Talk to your local child services about being the support family these kids need. You can provide a place to go on the holidays, a listening ear when a relationship ends, or the arm that leads her down the aisle on her wedding day.


Jen said…
so totally CUTE! I love it.
Live.Love.Eat said…
I loved the video. She is precious!! Happy WW & Happy Thanksgiving!!
ASHLEY said…
CntryMomma said…
"jacked up lioness on mountain dew"

Where do you come up with this stuff?! LOL That's why I love visiting. LOL

Ashley said…
Hahahah! Yummmmy table! So cute!
Karen said…
Dang that girl is cute!
tiarastantrums said…
she is so cute - delicious - I could eat her up!
I love that age, each age has brought new wonders to me but i have to say that from about 8 months to threeish is my favorite -- such a new world full of exploration!

A magical WW to you!
Susie said…
Toooooooo cute!!

Have a great Thanksgiving:-)
Mandy said…
She is cute!! :)

Happy Turkey Day!
Lorie said…
Love your blog, and your Sofie.
Sheri said…
What a great video! Aren't kids great? And, I loved your tips on adoption. As someone who IS adopted, this is a subject near and dear to me!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Ashley said…
she is sooo cute!! lioness on mt dew... hilarious!
Michelle said…
oh my goodness is she adorable or what?!
Erin said…
Your fam is gorgeous!!
You make me yearn for Merrick's baby days!
Jenni said…
She SERIOUSLY is too funny and cute! Love it!
MaricrisG said…
yay! I haven't visited here for a while and this is a wonderful surprise. Nice makeover! And btw, Sofie is so cute!!!
Anonymous said…
She is adorable. Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for visiting.
Mandy said…
She's a sweetie! I miss that age!

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