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get the rock out of here

********revised: ok, blogalicious rocks my face off!!  here's my new blog design that i won thru SITS.  it's amazing!!!  more tomorrow...but today, check it out!!!**********

i know it's november...but we rocked out the high school 80's party saturday. paige and i had so much fun getting together all the outfits (and laughing the whole time).

ryan...became the hair band rocker.  watch out axel rose.
me...def a madonna-ish, punk valley girl.
paige...16 candles
brooke...debbie gibson (post halloween sale on hannah montana for $1.24)
sofie...flash dance
and jada...she opted to stay with krystal and have girls night painting nails and eating popcorn.  you totally have to start them young!

without further adieu: behold...the rocker fam.  {i'm not sure we pull off the punky, mad at the world well...we can't even not smile!!!}

oh, that's def ryan's class ring.  be jealous!

we like totally danced all rad and stuff to thriller...and then did like fav movie clips from top gun and goonies and like dirty dancing.  my small group of girls rocked out the trivia game...and won it all, like rock stars.  it was rad when we got a whole totally awesome bag of reeses cups to eat!  like, awesome!  (ok, my head is hurting now)

well, happy monday...ryan is off again today.  boooooo. but i guess i can just remember his hotness in those skin tight camo/bedazzled, tight rolled pants and keep him close to my heart. {puke}
adoption tidbit for the day

one of the means of adopting a child is through what is called special needs adoption.  our jk is one of those kiddos.  special needs is defined a number of ways, but the basic jest is that these children are harder to place in adoptive homes.  they may be part of a sibling group, part of a minority race (is this america peeps?), at-risk or even just too old for what most folks choose to adopt.  in most cases, there are special services, like medicaid and per diems available for SNAP kids.  to find out more about special needs adoption, take a look at


Lorie said…
You are all so cute! But I think the baby in the leg warmers and headband is my favorite!
Lori said…
too cute. looks like you had fun with that blast from the past
GypsiAdventure said…
OMG - you guys rock'd the 80s! That is too cute! Looks like you guys had fun...
Racquel Simone said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is too cute! And I love that you have chosen to take part in adoption! I'm adopted, and was blessed to be adopted by my aunt. It can sometimes be a challenge, but know that there are so many rich blessings to be enjoyed from it! And most of all, you become like the father above, who has adopted us.

Unknown said…
aghhhhh!!!! your new blog is soooooo cute! you should totally have done a post about it!!! i nearly peed my pants, ya'll are so hilarious!!! ryan, seriously!!!
Rebekah said…
Oh what fun. I bet you had a blast
April said…
Oh, I love it...and I loved the 80's!! What fun you guys must have had! I'd be all over an opportunity like that! Of course, my girls would probably die of humiliation. Hey, that's half the fun, right? ;)

Be sure to enter my 100th post giveaway today!!! Have a good one!
Meredith said…
That's so RAD!!!! Love the pictures! You guys TOTALLY rocked it!

Oh and love the new blog!
cornnut32 said…
so adorable! what a genius idea! i love family coordinating costuming. and the 80s is the best. :)
Anonymous said…
hahaha I love the outfits!!

Thanks for coming by my place!!

And I LOVE the new layout! So cute!!
Megan said…
LOL Too funny!

Love your new layout/background. Very cute!!
Jen said…
You guys so totally ROCK!!! And I LOVE the new blog look. It totally ROCKS too!
Tulsi said…
What a cool family idea. I love this!
Tracy said…
looks like you had WAY too much fun doing that - and not sure why you still have all those clothes. lol - way too funny!!!
that would have been a total blast.
Oh how cute! And it looks like so much fun.
Mandy said…
Way to go on you win! Abby and I are currently beautifying Steals and Deals...can't wait until its done!

Love the pic of you family! That is hilarious! You guys are so much fun.

Btw- I am a huge fan of the big hair 80 rock bands still!
Ashley said…
Too Fun!!! Ya'll definitely fit the part! Love it!
Carrie said…
Like, Ohmygod! You guys look totally rad!

I can't believe you didn't work "gag me with a spoon" in there!

BTW, Those are some awesomely hot legs, Momma! You should show those babies off more often! ROWR!!
Heather said…
OMG, I love it!!! Love how you are rockin' those leg warmers and heels! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!!!
Karen said…
Oh. My. Goodness. Ryan's pants are cracking me UP. You guys are a riot - I'll bet you had a ton of fun.

I think the scary part about your costumes is that we all used to dress like that and think we were hawt! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!
Megan said…
You have an award over on my blog. =)
Michelle said…
oh wow you guys look great! what a fun family you all are :) Love the new blog look too!
Rachel Ann said…
Love the pic! WOW...brings back my opinion the 80's were the best decade! LOL....

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Thanks for sharing all the adoption tidbits this month...I was adopted at 3 days old, 34 years ago. My adoption took place right after Roe vs. Wade was enacted, and I thank the Lord that my biological parents made the right decision in not aborting, but giving me up for adoption.
Elizabeth said…
Love the outfits...and congrats on the new blog looks great!
tiarastantrums said…
LOVE THIS - you guys are so fun!!!!

Love your new look!!
Keisha said…
You guys ROCK!!!!!!
I love it!
I AlSO LOVE your new Bloggy Look!!!!
Karen said…
Love the rocker pictures! He he he. The new blog design is perfect!! I love it!
Abby said…
Your family is so fun! You crack me up with these pics!!

what a sport your husband is there is NO WAY I could have talked my husband into joining us in dressing up!
Melissa said…
I had to sneak over and see your 80's outfit for myself after your comment on my blog...LOVE it. LOVE this blog---I think I will be back...a lot! :)
CntryMomma said…
Holy crap! I would SO have those family pics framed and displayed for the world to see! TOO GOOD!! LMBO


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