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i did it.  i gave in.
i saw twilight with i feel like i am part of the cult. i'm terrified that someone is going to watch me in my sleep.

i'm a weiny...i don't do scary.  i don't do suspenseful. i don't like mean.  i hate vampires.
so why was the story line so amazing!!!??!!!
i guess i fall hard for a great love story...reminds me of hubs!  so, i say bring on the next one, whatever it's called...i'm a twilight virgin, so just bear with me.

ok, edward looks cute and his skin sparkles, but he's a vampire!!!  hello!!
in the first 3 minutes, i screamed
i yelled with all my might, "you go, edward" during the fight scene
i did the "bury the head in the shirt" and say over and over, "i hate scary, paige. i hate scary.  i don't do scary."

speaking of good...thanksgiving was good. (terrible transition, but oh well. it's my blog. right?) the fam was great.  the girls played like bandits on a was good.  we are so stinking blessed it's not even funny.  thank you, lord...just thank you.

and, brooke asked to take a shot of me and r on wed night...and this is what she caught.  pretty fun...
national adoption awareness month

so, how do you know if adoption is right for you?  i have to say that getting pregnant was a much easier decision (although not outcome...9 years, really?).  
first, adoption is a lifetime's  kid for pete's sake!  
second, it is a journey.  if you haven't read my 'australia post', you's the best description of the journey we call adoption.
third, it's an uncertain road...and even though your el eggo is not el prego, you are most definitely pregnant in paperwork, and man, does that put on some pounds.  it's different and people will give you their's a little different than the stranger belly rub when a woman is pregnant, because it never really ends.
fourth, you will def be led to adoption.  things will fall in place for you with the right birth mom and birth family.  i can tell you that our birth moms are the perfect ones for us...and our kids, well, they are sooo us.  god totally has a major sense of humor on this one.
{here are my two kiddos that are adopted with their bmoms...see the love there?}
fifth, be knowledgeable but wait.  read ur bible.  pray. read books on adoption.  talk to friends.  talk to adoptive families.  and lastly, make YOUR OWN decision.

for a more professional's viewpoint on making the adoption decision, check me.  i'll try my best.  i can at least listen...


Glad Thanksgiving was good.....your adoption posts always touch and amaze me!
CntryMomma said…
The adoption excitement has entered my (nighttime) dreams. LOL
We are not focusing one who or from where ... we know that God will reveal it in time.

Unknown said…
no way would i see twilight!!! was paige scared? we missed ya'll so much yesterday...
You may be a Twilight virgin, but I haven't seen the movie or read any of the books yet, so what does that makes me?????

Glad you had a good Thankgiving - enjoy the rest of your weekend!

(saw you in the SITS comments today)
Anonymous said…
i think that I am ready to jump onto the Twilight wagon.


you have inspired me.
GypsiAdventure said…
I'm so happy you had a wonderful thanksgiving - it is great to be surrounded by family-such a blessing!
Michelle said…
Thanks for stopping by during by saucy week. It has been fun. Glad you saw Twilight. You really should read the book, especially if you are a sucker for love stories. It's the best one you will read in a long time. Really, the book is 10x better than the movie and I LOVED the movie.
Kacey said…
Oh you are BRAVE! I SO do not do scary. Seriously, I went ONE time to see Scream when it first came out and I literally punched myself in the nose on accident because I got so scared! NEVER AGAIN. Because then I had to leave and go in the bathroom BY MYSELF until I recovered. That was horror! LOL

I'm glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I can't believe how blessed we are and I am so thankful each day.

Thanks for sharing about the BMoms in your life. So much love!
Jenni said…
Woo Hoo! Another Twilight Mom! I am glad you enjoyed it!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Carrie said…
I just finished book one and am undecided if I'm going to read the rest of the series. But, I'm not a real big fan of romance novels, no matter what the surrounding circumstances. I like a love story within a book, but not for it to be the entire book, if that makes any sense.

I guess it's kind of like wanting a little fries with my ketchup. I prefer the love story as the condiment. " )

Glad you had a happy Thanksgiving!
Jen said…
I am glad that you liked the movie.
We saw the movie last night, and loved it! I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

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