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always have ur camera

proof there's always a need for ur camera...all since monday morning:

when u get that little box of love and there's a ton of perfect saltiness on have to capture the moment!  
{i realize i have a problem}

i don't even know what to say about this...but i had to have a picture.  those are real curtains and real porch lights...and on the other side, there's a solar panel.  i'm not sure if it's a trailer for camping or a play house or a real house.  i'm speechless. {shut up}

when you go done the horsey road, you never know when the ladies will be out saying hello!
{b really sticks her head out the window and yells to each of them...she swears they talk back and say, "hello. thanks for coming by"}

when daddy leaves on a jet plane {come on and sing along} we can remember his smile!!
november is national adoption awareness month

CASA...court appointed special a volunteer position that every day people who want to make a difference in a the life of a child in foster care do each day.  CASA's are the voice for the ensure the system doesn't forget or lose track or lose the voice of the children involved.  Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw have joined the National CASA group to promote and advocate for children in the US.  you don't have to foster a child in your home to make a difference in their life.

take a minute and read a little more at National an advocate for the helpless.


Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving a comment! It is always fun to meet new people! Your blog is so cute and fun! I enjoyed "poking" around in here!
Meredith said…
Okay. Seriously. LOVE the picture of the trailer, play house, or whatever it is!! Gave me quite the giggle... thanks! Are those flowers on the back?
Carrie said…
Ugh, you're seriously killing me with the fry pics! Did I tell you I started Weight Watchers on Monday? I still have some points to blow this week, so I may need to get some McD's fries and a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Mmmmmmmmm....
Lori said…
that trailer is too much!
auntie said…
i love that you took a picture of your french fries!
Unknown said…
alone again huh? me want fries
Briana Almengor said…
Thanks for visiting my blog. I checked out CASA site. I have such a heart for adoption and wonder if God is preparing my heart for Foster Care. I never thought I could do something like that. CASA sounds like such a great opportunity. My husband is Latino, too. I watched the video on the bilingual CASAs. Very intriguing. Not something we can jump into now, but something to keep tucked away for down the road.
I enjoyed checking out your blog. And, while I'm a die hard BK fan, the pic. of the fries was very tantalizing. :)
ASHLEY said…
Jen said…
I agree, you so need to take the camera every where!
WheresMyAngels said…
I'm loving that trailor, can you imagine having your kids in there with you.
Anonymous said…
How funny! I love the pictures and salty fries~ Yum!
Kacey said…
Oooooh girl. The salty fries. Are they not the best? After you finish those, you just need to top it all off with a little sundae action. Mmm good!

Thanks for the info about CASA. What a great thing to learn about.
I hope that thing is a play house. If so, it's awesome!
Rebekah said…
Ok, posting a picture of Mcdees fries is just not a nice thing to do. Hmmmm Hmmmm- I may need to send my officer out to pick me some up. Oops, wait. they arent serving lunch yet. bummer
Mandy said…
These are great. I love your little commentary after each story, too funny.
I am so that way!! LOVE the randomness of the pictures. It's the small things that bring us some of the greatest pleasures. Love salty fries...yum..yum!!
Solei said…
I have soooooooo been craving those fries!!! They are definitely the best! ESPECIALLY when they're in all their salty goodness..... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
Sheelagh said…
I just found you through another blog and I have to tell you that I've never heard of Fancy Nancy, but am thrilled to see that the books are available at my local library and we will be checking them out next time we go. Thanks for the inspiration too...I love your decoration ideas - especially the book covers in frames!!!

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