i make up weird rules sometimes to make the kids quit asking things that are not feasible.
(oh, come on, you wish you would have thought of it first)
my best to date...the gum chewing rule.
"you have to be 5 years old to chew gum."
#3 shines her pearly whites at dad last night and says,
"i have all my teeth. and their white"
*dad says, "yes you do. good job"*
*quickly followed up by #3..."i can chew gum now."*
sorry... the fake gum rule says 5. and for some reason,
everyone actually listens to the fake rule.
i need to go...i need to think up more fake rules that my kids will actually follow.

one of my wired rule is " don't wear new shoes at night. and when I have to wear new shoes at night, I bring it to the bathroom and wear it. " because the bathroom make it something old!
My fake rules always come back to haunt me!
I love the crazy nonsensical rule idea. I keep reading about great ideas that I wish I'd have heard about when my kids were younger!
You gotta read this about adoption GREAT info!
Fruit Stripe Gum! Wow, what a flash from the past
and i TOTALLY remember fruit striped gum!! is it still out there?
Couldn't survive without them.