Sofia is on the move...
she's so tiny for 9 months (22" and 13 lbs) that it just seems dangerous. but, it's not...she is, however, not crawling with both legs...STINKER! it's cute though...and PT Lindsey is having quite a fit. her sensory stuff is so intense that she is adjusting even her crawling...she refuses to be on her tummy and PT everyday is just plain painful. poor girl. anyway, small successes...she stayed on her tummy playing 12 seconds this week...that's 4 times longer than ever before!!!
here's sofie dofie on the move...i sound so stupid now that i listen to the video, but she's still cute! happy weekend!
I remember when Angelina was that small ! well or should I say that young lol Angelina was 21" and 7 lbs and 7 oz when she was born ,a little giant ;)
love the video and the surprise
OH and...
i also love your read my red lisptick button on your sidebar. CUTE!
Also, I love how when she spits up, she looks at you and gives you a little smile :)
I need to get some of those baby legs! Adam's been crawling around like crazy and giving himself a rug burn!
I love the little surprise treat at the end of the video!
Yes, she is really cute!!
I hope I have a pretty baby like her as soon as possible!
She is crawling fantastically!! My baby girl NEVER crawled on her tummy EVER - not once - she only scooted on her toosh. At last Sophie sort of is crawling!
Love the leg warmers!
What is her diagnosis? Why does she have sensory issues? Because she was a preemie?( sorry if that is too personal)