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chow time

when you feed (or watch someone feed) a baby,
do you do it??

and for all you coffee drinkers, i just found delish news at Momma Matters, free cappuccino Oct 31st at Barnes and Noble college stores...really!!!  Go check it made my day!


Oh yes I DO!! What is also funny... when they mimic me... on the phone!! Darling pictures...Love your READ MY LIPSTICK button as well!!
Elizabeth said…
This post made me laugh! Yes, I do it too! :) Thank you for stopping by my blog, and I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
Anonymous said…
That is just so funny how we ALL do that...too funny!
Karin Katherine said…
Okay, I just got done doing that! ha ha. Cute baby too. But then you already knew that I'm sure. Also, I'm glad the Cappuccino made your day. Cheers!
Mc Allen said…
Ohhhh yes I do!!! Hey, I have 4 girls too, (that I homeschool.) and I do it when I watch other put on mascara too!!! Your family is beautiful, how old are your girlies?? Leah
Elizabeth said…
I do and I try so hard not hubby laughs so hard at me because he knows I'm trying not to.
Oh, definitely. :) What an adorable baby.
Dee said…
I do it while brushing their teeth too....
nikkicrumpet said…
What an adorable picture...I think you HAVE to do it...I think it's impossible to feed a baby without working your own mouth lol
I think I am the only odd ball that doesn't!! LOL! I am too busy shoveling! My kids were both really good baby food eaters!
Casey's trio said…
So true...yes, you can't help but open your mouth and say ahhhhhh
Spaceofgrace said…
How adorable!!!! Brought a smile to my face. Thanks :-)
I do it! Always have, always will. lol
Rebekah said…
LOL- there is so much truth there. Why is that?
This is just possibly the cutest thing EVER!
Jen said…
I so do that too and so does the hubby. Its just so funny
tiarastantrums said…
isn't it so true - no matter how hard you try NOT to open your own mouth!!
Mamarazzi said…
oh yes...people make fun of me for doing this everytime i feed a baby!!
Michelle said…
that cracked me up! and it's SO true! I discovered that when we were feeding Kayla and pointed it out to my husband. I laughed at him again a few months ago when he was feeding Lucas :)
Carrie said…
Soooooo cute!! Sweet daddy and even sweeter baby!

I am taking my free drink coupon along with my $10 B&N gift card I got for free as part of another promo and enjoying a book and a coffee on them! Wanna meet me there?? " )

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