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Mommy of the....week??

Ok, call me crazy, but my fab sister-in-law, Meaghan (visit her at MegAndTheBoys), inspired me to make my baby food.  Now, I'm the Momma of 4 girls...and Gerber has been just fine, but I have to say, I really have fallen in love with the whole thing.  Thanks, Meg!!

So, here's to fresh baby food.  And thanks to Wholesome Baby Foods for their fab recipes and ideas.   Yummo!! 

Sofie (or little miss baby bird)...loves the peaches!!

...and she's super sweet too!!


Mummy Butterfly said…
sooooo cute, mine is only 14 months but little miss baby bird cutness make me want an other one lol

I really regret not making my own baby food. Everyone I've spoken to that makes their own absolutely swears by it.
Adelaine said…
I was inspired to make my own baby food with my #3 from a forum I was on. LOVED IT!!! The stuff tastes soooooo much better! It saves sooooo much money too when you make it in bulk and freeze it! Plus, it just felt good to know what was going into my baby. We would even fix up her food for the week and send it to daycare - they didn't mind at all!

And it was fun to feed her strange things like avacado for her first food or mango & papaya later and then have people look at you weird when you tell them she loves it!

Incidentally, she has the best and most varied appetite of them all - even with table food. I truely believe that it is because she has always ate the food as it really tastes - not some bland watered down version of it. She isn't horribly picky like the other kids. Tonight she downed what I swear was about a forth of a can of green beans. We have to cover the beans in cheese to get the other kids to even nibble at them!!!

Oh, and I'm not a crunchy Momma by any means. Making my own food was just something I found to be fun and it made me feel good to put love into her food. If we ever had another baby I would do it again in a heartbeat - no looking back!
Penelope said…
Looking back, I wish that I had made my son's baby food. It looks like your daughter is enjoying it!
I made a lot of my youngest kid's baby food. She preferred it to the jar stuff.
Great pics!
Aubrey said…
Mmmm! Those peaches look so good!

I wish I had pix of my last baby like this. Unfortunately, he had the worst gag reflex to anything smooshie. I tried for months. 1 1/2 years later, he STILL will not eat yogurt, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, etc. He has no idea what he is missing! LOL
Screaming Meme said…
That is awesome! Be sure to check in on the faux class I'm teaching...:)
Unknown said…
All of your girls are so beautiful. I have four daughters as well. How do you find the time to make the food? I would love to for my 6 month old, who is just getting into solids.
Jen said…
I made all my own baby food for the triplets. It was easy and I enjoyed doing it. I would do it again, if there was going to be more babies but there is not from me at least. I think that everyone should try it.
What A Card said…
Oh how cute! And it does become a bit addicting to make baby food. Those peaches look delicious!
Jenni said…
So cute! I think if I were to have another baby now, I'd give making baby food a try!
Wep said…
I can't even find the time to make easy mac :P
I am so thrilled to find you! Thanks for commenting on my post. I, too, was a foster parent (34 over a 14 yr stretch)and went thru the same exact deal when we adopted C&C (bio sibs). We got them when the youngest was 5 and 1/2 weeks old and finalized when he was 3 1/2. Ridiculous!!! Your family is beautiful and I am definitely praying for you. I know how hard it is.
I am giving your site to my daughter who has a 4 mo old and will love this!!! Thanks, girl and I can't wait to get to know you!!
amelia bedelia said…
Thanks for checking out my blog...I've been reading yours...I love it! You are so patient to make your own baby food...I just relied on Gerber to come out with new flavors!
MaricrisG said…
she looked so entranced! I guess that peaches tastes really goooooddd!!! yum yum
Camille said…
I have been debating making homemade for my 6 month old- and needed more info- so THANK YOU for the link. Your babe is so cute. Do you open your mouth when trying to get her to open hers? I can't get myself to stop doing it- love the bird mouth.
Mayet said…
hi! I showed to baby Karen Sophie's pic and she's clapping and really excited(she's 9 months)

We're also preparing Karen's food, coz she doesn't like the ones in the jar--I have received samples after giving birth.
Carrie said…
I made baby food for the midget and it was pretty easy! I had the time and it certainly saved us money!

p.s. she is ADORABLE!! *squeal*
Lindsay said…
Oh I LOVE making my own babyfood. Okay, LOVE may be a rather strong word. I love the THOUGHT of knowing what my babies are eating - rather than the stuff in the jar. Don't get me wrong - Gerber has saved me MANY a times (especially traveling), but when we're at home, I make (made) the mushy stuff. It saves aTON of money too! Way to go! Oh, and I have since aquired a Magic Bullet since my kids were babies and I've heard they work wonders for that stuff!
sassy stephanie said…
She is soooo precious! I made my baby food too. Once you actually do it and realize that it is not intimidating, it's a breeze.

Thanks so much for visiting me over at Our Piece of Quiet!

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