Thou shalt look upon thy child, not as a possession belonging to thee, but as a sacred trust from God.
Thou shalt be honest in all dealing with thy child, then honesty and obedience can be expected of him.
Thou shalt regard thy child’s respect and love, not as a duty to be demanded, but as an achievement to be earned.
Remember when thou art out of patience with they child’s faults to take time to count to ten—of thine own.
Remember that the surest way to make it hard for thy child is to make it too easy for him. He should learn early the meaning of discipline and responsibility.
Thou shalt have daily prayers and Bible reading with thy family, and thou shalt always thank God for food before partaking of it.
Remember that the example of thy life is more effective than thy fault-finding and moralizing.
Thou shalt practive the teachings of Christ in thy home by being kind, unselfish and loving.
Thou shalt early teach thy child to love and trust in God, and thou shalt wisely help him to choose Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Remember the Lord’s day by worshipping God in thy church as a family, for this is necessary if thy home is to be truly Christian.
--Gordon H. Schroder
I do have the song "Find Their Wings" on my wall :)