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I just couldn't. Oh, okay. I'll accept! Yeah!

I am just so honored...

...I'm not sure who I should thank.  Oh, the little people. 

Just kidding.  I did, however, get two (count them, two) more blogger awards today from Penelope at Life's Sweet Passions

So, now the honors go to.  Envelope please.  

Meaghan at Meg and the Boys
Carrie at Oikology

...and are the details on how to pass on your awards:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog. 
2. Link the person you received your award from. 
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 
4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated.
6. Enjoy your awards!


Carrie said…
My first blog award!! *squeal* And I got TWO of them?? You're so sweet!

There's another recipe on my blog that uses kale, Italian Potato Soup (just click on label "soup"). I also ran across a recipe for Crispy Kale that sounded delicious! If I get Kale today in my CSA box, I'll give it a try this week and post it.
Unknown said…
oh, oh, oh!!! i'm so excited! now THAT i can put on my blog!!!!!! (thank you also for the instructions)
Elizabeth said…
Congrats on all your awards this week! Keep up the good work.
What A Card said…
Congrats, you deserve it!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sending the love!!! Congrats to you too!.... Are we just sumpin'....smiles
Congratulations, and THANK YOU! My little ol' cooking blog has never won an award, so this is truly fabulous!
Karen said…
Congrats on the bloggy bling! And thank you so much for thinking of me.
Wep said…
CONGRATS!!! They look so cute :)
Oh, I love these awards! Thank you & congrats!

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