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Anyone can cook

My middle two have a passion for cooking.  It was enhanced by the incredible Disney nove, Rattouille.  I have caught them making some interesting 'recipes' of late. 

The worst...definitely red pop, sour cream and onion chips, pink
 lemonade, sugar, gum balls, water.  "Red Soup", as they call it, was truly one of the grossest things I've ever encountered as a Mother.  (And...they tasted it!)

So, to push along my little chef's, I found sweet pink toque's at Target ($1) and they donned their aprons...and we cooked!

Ok, it was instant pudding...but it turned green when the milk hit it!  

So, remember: Anyone CAN COOK!

(and leave it to B to have her own 'little chef')


What A Card said…
Oh, they're beautiful and you can tell they're having so much fun!

I love to cook, and always get my boys into the act. When things go well, I try to mention them on my blog. Here's one that was a big hit for us: making butter. We've done it tons of times, and I'm sure it'll be much easier with your big kids (well, they're big compared to mine :) Here's the link if you're interested:
Screaming Meme said…
Hey, girly! I posted a comment on my blog for you! I hope it helps! Screaming Meme
Tinabean said…
I love to watch the young imaginative cooks & what they create.
They look so cute in there little chef outfits.
Screaming Meme said…
Oh and Id love for you to stop by my sister's a love story in the making...But the reson Id love for you to stop by is Kos is an adopted Russian orphan...if you go to... can watch the you tube video on Kos and his awesome journey....Meme
Ashley said…
Mmmmm, red soup! A true family delicacy. Ha! Your little chefs are too cute!
Unknown said…
that's awesome! and...disgusting. btw, my phone should b up n aperatioal ltr 2day! let the txtng b-gin!
Anonymous said…
too cute!

I LOVE the little hats - I may have to pick one up for my niece, who is the biggest little helper in the kitchen.
great pic's!
OK, these cooks are the cutest I've ever seen!
Rhea said…
I love those hats...toques, you called them? Perfect for budding chefs!

My boys love to cook too, they call it potion making. Where they proceed to mix anything and everything they can find. It's gross, but creative. lol

Thanks for visiting me Monday for my SITS day!
Mummy Butterfly said…
Your littles Chefs are too cute !!!

Jenni said…
What cute little chefs you have, there! Send them over! Not everyone can cook and I need all the help I can get!
Karen said…
OMGosh are they too cute or what? You are so good to let them experiment in the kitchen. I would have panicked that my kitchen would have been ruined and put an end to it.
Lori said…
Wait a minute, that puppy was under the hat the whole time?? Now we know who REALLY came up with Red Soup!
Africa Girl said…
That is the cuttest thing ever! I love the pictures of the two girls in the chef hats. :)
Charmaine said…
OK, I love the little chef. What clever girl!
{leah} said…
I love what kids come up with. All the "ingredients"for Red Soup are good my themself why wouldn't they be extra good if you added them all together?

Cute girls, especially in the aprons and hats.
Dee said…
your red soup reminds me of something a friend and I concocted at her sleepover, I drank it, and was so sick I had to go home!
jori-o said…
Look at those cute babies!! And Red Soup does not sound good. At all.
April said…
Adorable pictures...what fun they had!
Laurel said…
CUte cute! My kids make bizarre concoctions (sp?) too.
Anonymous said…
The red soup reminds me of one of my favorite children's books: George's Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl. I made a red soup/marvelous medicine one time, but without parental supervision, when I was in 4th grade. It was not good, in so many ways. :)
Heather said…
Oh, yes, cooking with kids is always an adventure.

I am loving the little dog on her head in the last picture. Did she have it on her head beneath her chef's hat? Too cute!

Lovin' the new look of your blog! Happy SITS day!
Anonymous said…
How cute are they?

My eldest used to do this all the time when she was younger - anything she could get her hands on went into her recipes. Some of them were kind of scary.
Heather said…
I look forward to cooking with my daughter when she gets old enough! The girls look so cute in their aprons!
Kimmie said…
My 2 year old son likes to "cook" with me. He stirs with my help. Hoe precious are those pictures!
Mercedes said…
Awesome pix!
Cammie said…
Love love LOVE these pics!!
Whitney said…
What a fun mama you are! I love the pink chefs hats!
Melodie said…
I saw those pinks hats and aprons at Target and I so wanted to get some. But my older girls were too big for them, and my youngest girl is still too little.
Anonymous said…
how cute is that!! my daughter loves to cook also!! she is such a big help in the kitchen too!! take care!
Brandy said…
They are so cute...but I would not have tried the red soup. Eww.
Ronnica said…
Haha, love the "little chef."
Alicia @ Oh2122 said…
Wickedly cute!

I did this too, but it was bathroom concoctions. Baby powder and had lotion could be used as mortar. Speaking from experience here.
Vickie said…
I love those pictures!! I want to get those hats.

So sweet!
Kristy said…
oh i love their little aprons, they are adorable cheifs!
Casey's trio said…
Adorable! I love the $1 bins at Target:)
Amy said…
Those pics are so cute. I really like the outfits :D
Brittany said…
Your girls looks so adorable. And you taught me a word. I just always called them "chef's hats".
koopermom said…
That is so cute ( I LOVE the puppy on her head!) That movie is so adorable. I think it has inspired a lot kids to become Little Chefs!
Mrsbear said…
They're so adorable. Red soup, those are the makings of a true chef, that they would even attempt a taste!
Melissa Lester said…
My now 7-year-old has always loved to cook, but most of his dishes end up orange because of his love of cheese. Cute chefs you have!
Rhea said…
Cute aprons and little cooks! Green pudding...hmmm...

My boys love to cook secret potions. They basically just add anything and everything they can find into a big bowl. It's scary.
Carrie said…
Wait...You know what a toque is?

I didn't think anyone outside of Canada or North Dakota knew that word!

Or are you just a big fan of Strange Brew's 12 days of Christmas?? " )
Unknown said…
What a beautiful family you have! Those girls looked so adorable as chefs. My son also wanted to make his own "recipes" after watching that movie. Unfortunately I was too caught up in the moment to remember to take pictures!

Hopefully they'll love cooking through their adult years as well.
Cute! Cute! Cute!

We loved that movie too.

My girlies love to cook and bake. It's a great activity I can do with them. During the summer they make their chive "soup" that we all try to eat. (blech) It's fun though!
Anonymous said…
What fun! I have boys, but we still cook together. My oldest especially likes to crack the eggs. :)

That pudding looks so yummy!
Rachel Ann said…
You give hope even to us who are "old"! LOL!!

I'm not a kitchen person, but wish I was...although, I am getting better at making dinners and wanting to eat at home.
Live.Love.Eat said…
Too cute!!!! I am still trying to get my 5yo in the kitchen with me. Gotta get him one of those hats!!
Karol said…
Those are the cutest little chefs!! Congrats on being the featured blog!!
Congrats on being the FB today =) I've been by your blog before and really enjoyed it.

I hope my daughter loves cooking as much as I do. Your little girls are adorable in those aprons!
S Club Mama said…
Those hats are precious; almost as precious as your kiddos.
natalie said…
Aww~ what beautiful daughters you have!
Andrea said…
How cute! I love the pink toques.
Your daughters are ADORABLE! Great pics too!!
Kate said…
Awww they are so cute! I love that they love to cook!
Unknown said…
How precious, I love the pics. My middle and youngest used to make delicacies to rival "red soup" when they were younger. Nothing like it... oh and they used to try to get us to eat it turning on the I put my whole heart into it mommy croc tears. I'd be like well you better eat it then so you get your heart back. ;)
Michelle said…
Yep, and when "anyone" cooks, "no one" eats it!
Avery Tales said…
I love it! The picture of the two of them together is precious!!
Jen said…
What a patient Mommy you are! :)
Mimi said…
Enjoy your SITS day!
Unknown said…
I love the pictures. They look so cute in their chef hats!

I'm really glad I found your blog. I like your playlist too!
wendy said…
Too cute! Glad they're creative!
Tracy P. said…
Oh, fun in the kitchen--awesome. If I could just train mine to do a good job of cleaning the floors afterwards!
jkluginbill said…
Love the aprons!!! Your girls are adorable! I love to cook with fun!
MaricrisG said…
I love Ratatouille! So cute that your girls were inspired by it! Who knows they'll end up as great chefs someday! :)
Michele said…
Looks like more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
Susan said…
Too cute! Happy SITS Day!
Michelle said…
Oh I love baking with the wee ones -- if only I'd seen those toques when they were at Target! It's impressive what kid scan do when you let them try.

Oh, and ummm I used to experiment and make things all the time -- includign into high school. The one rule was that we always had to try it and taste it. We couldn't just make a mess. It really helped my culinary skills as I went to college and beyond :)
Blicky Kitty said…
Oh so cute! My daughters love to make cookies. I end up putting the bowl in the floor because it's so nutty cleaning up after! :)
Becky said…
Precious! I bet it was a blast.
Anonymous said…
That photo of your girls is too cute! Love the pink chef hats :) Hope you had a fun SITS day.
Leslie said…
Cute cooks! I love it that you take so many pictures of them.

- a SITSta
April Kennedy said…
I love their aprons...but I'm an apron kind of girl!
Rhonda said…
Awesome little chef's hats! And a great price too!!

I hope you have enjoyed your SITS day!
Rachael said…
Ha! We love Ratatoulle, and I can't wait til mine is old enough to help out in the kitchen!

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