Jada's first day of preschool ever was on Tuesday (and yes, i'm just now blogging it). She has been beside herself with excitement. She picked her outfit and shoes and bead color...the whole deal! And, she was soooo stinking cute, I could just have eaten her up.
We head to preschool drop off...we sit down and she gets very concerned. Not about being left alone or being away from Mommy or her teacher.
The concern: the blue partition wall at the front of the room. I guess we all have our own fears. I assure her that she won't have to go near the wall...and her teacher will not have that blue wall in her room. Honestly, she didn't fall for it.
She saw her teacher and said, "Mommy, can I go now?".
"Yes, honey. You can."
She runs...not a gallop or a trot, a full scale run...to the teacher screaming, "Bye Mommy".
So, when it was all over and I picked her up, she was beaming, as expected. Even better, her note from the teacher said, "She was very talkative."
So, this is to many more years of (talkative) school days! One more to go...and I'm not sure I will be ready for that.
In the first week of 1st grade, my teacher gave me the nickname "jibber jabber". lol
My son was talkative from the first day he started going to school. That hasn't stopped either! LOL
I think preschool is great for kids and it's nice that she enjoyed it.